If you’re a Facebook user, chances are you’ve stumbled across those tagging games where you have to list “25 Things” about a certain topic. Web personality Julian Smith, on the other hand, points out 25 different aspects of Facebook that he despises with this video.
And no, none of them are remotely related to the new Facebook worm.
Whenever a new website emerges, it’s bound to have it’s flaws. Which is why the bigger Facebook gets, the more critical it is to address concerns over privacy, spam, organization issues and, more importantly (according to Julian Smith), poking.
My personal favorite has to be the one about how “old people on Facebook” are creepy. As the popularity of the site increases I don’t ever see this problem going away; especially if the site maintains the majority of it’s users for the next decade or so.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a polar bear jumping group to attend to.