Did you catch the sarcasm in my title? No, then you need to go back to school. This video, billed as ‘4×4 – Cooooooool’ shows how idiotic and over-excitable some people are. While some extreme sports look amazing, this just looks retarded.
Al this video shows is some cars which may or may not have 4-wheel drive climbing up some things. Wow, my flabber is well and truly gasted at such an amazing sight. And it’s all done with an inordinate amount of cheering and clapping. Why?
I know everyone has different tastes and what I choose to do with my weekends would bore others, but this is just one hobby/sport/lame activity that I just cannot see the point or appeal of.
This video wouldn’t be so bad if there was music playing over the top rather than the whoops of delight and congratulations. A guy (or girl) floored the accelerator and drove up a sheer cliff. So damn what? It’s really not worth having an orgasm over.