Jeju Island, South Korea is known for two things: Volcanoes and Boy Cheerleading teams. As strange as the latter one may sound, the cheerleading teams are quite different than the usual.
Maybe you’ve gone to a game where crazy fans paint their body with giant letters or hold up large signs to spell out messages. Here, these cheerleaders accomplish so much more, only they put those old fashion techniques to shame.
Using only their shirts, this Jeju cheer squad assembles a giant human LCD screen. Their uniform consists of a single color in the front of their shirt, a different color in the back, and a third color on the inside when they open it.
Around the 1:52 mark you can see the cheerleaders actually change their formation. After nearly two minutes of what could be confused as a LCD projection, we are reminded that they truly are, in fact, real people.
Who knows? Maybe pom-poms are too 90’s.