If you’ve ever turned on a computer, you know how annoying that start-up chime is. Whether you’re black, white, yellow, or green, the dreadful start-up sound shows no mercy.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidentally woken up my roommates by simply turning on my laptop in the middle of the night. Those seven seconds of “angelic-chimes” can be hell on earth in awkward situations.
But what if those seven seconds were increased to, say, 2 minutes?
That’s exactly what this prankster does to his own laptop in this video. And, of all places, he chooses to start it up in a quiet library. For what seems like an hour, his laptop blares out the chime at full-blast.
Don’t ask me how he does it, but he manages to make it difficult enough to turn it off so that even the librarian can’t stop it. Eventually, the sound subsides and the room regains it’s usually silence.
After all, it’s a library remember?