Gay marriage and whether it should be legal or not is a hot topic in America right now. In the UK where I live, the law allowing gay people to marry came in without any fuss or bother, but then we’re not so blinded by religious fervor over here.
This video shows the new scaremongering anti-gay marriage advert by the National Organization for Marriage. Isn’t that name a bit of a misnomer when they seem to be completely against a large portion of society having the right to get married?
It’s a preposterous advert that was made to get a serious point across but ends up being brilliantly comical. Fine, so some people are against same-sex marriage. That’s their problem. But why the need for the lightning and dark atmosphere as if the end of the world is nigh.
The people are clearly actors reading from a script… badly. The whole ad is just a joke, with false claims and overstated lies posing as facts. As someone in the ‘pro’ camp I find it laughable, and I’m guessing those in the ‘anti’ camp are just embarrassed.