If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Or, as is more befitting of this video, if at first you fail big time, try and pull off an impressive trick. And fail at that as well. And make a fool of yourself and your teammates. And then suffer the humiliation when someone posts a video of it to YouTube.
I’m going to avoid the obvious sexist jokes suggesting this is why women’s sport is rubbish and how it proves why women should stick to housework and cooking. Because all that garbage simply isn’t true.
However, this video does indicate that the coach teaching these girls how to play basketball needs a reality check. There were so many ways that trick could have gone wrong. And it did do!
What’s more, the girl getting the leg up could have knocked all her teeth out on the hard floor and ruined her looks for life. Is scoring a basket really worth the risk of that? I don’t think so somehow.