I’ve seen some truly bizarre adverts in my time but this one just about takes the top spot. It’s for Glade Touch ‘n’ Fresh air fresheners and it features a kid who’s very fussy about where he takes a dump.
The idea is that he doesn’t want to do a poo in his own bathroom because his parents are too cheap to have a Touch ‘n’ Fresh air freshener. So instead, he wants to do a poo in Paul’s bathroom because he does have a Touch ‘n’ Fresh. Lucky Paul.
It kind of makes sense from a marketing perspective although I fail to see what difference a good air freshener makes to someone taking a dump. Surely it’s the person who uses the bathroom next who should be more concerned.
But it’s the over-laboring of the “I want to do a poo at Paul’s” speech that makes this advert bizarre yet hilarious. Oh, and the fact his mother seems to be in the bathroom with him in the aftermath of his poo. Strange people.