Black20 is a comedic internet TV production company that features many different web television series. Yesterday I looked at Black20’s online sitcom net_work, but today I’m going to take a look at another Black20 web series called Black20 Virals.
Black20 Virals consists of many different comedy clips that are produced by Black20. These clips range from parodied Primetime Previews to Black20 Trailer Park, a fun mini-series that parodies movie trailers.
The show is full of videos including off-kilter imitations of popular media and other offbeat comedy. The latest episode fits right in to the show’s typical content.
After watching the latest episode, which covered satirical primetime previews, I was dumbfounded. Some of the spoof previews had me rolling, like Lion Cop, and others had me shaking my head in disbelief. I think Black20 Virals might just be an unpolished diamond in the rough.