Two of the biggest names in the adult industry, Ron Jeremy and Hustler, have teamed up to make an x-rated version of The Brady Bunch. As a result, this trailer that spoofs the original intro has been spreading like fire on the net.
The words “hot” and “funny” don’t usually come to mind regarding incest, but hey, it’s a porno.
Had this film been released 30 years ago, I’m sure it would have caused an outrage. But since childhood fans of the Brady Bunch have since grown up, the film has been released with little controversy.
Some sites and stores list the DVD (with the title of Not The Bradys XXX) for the outrageous price of $50. Then again, it may be worth it for those folks who’ve waited decades to see Marcia and Greg or Alice and Sam the Butcher (played by Ron Jeremy) get it on.