Despite being a huge Star Wars fan, I actually can’t stand one particular character. No, not the annoyingly whiney Luke Skywalker, or the cocky and overtly arrogant Han Solo. I hate Chewbacca!
So I have complete and utter sympathy for this couple who seem to be being haunted by the spirit of Chewbacca the Wookie. Seriously, you listen carefully and tell me he isn’t living in their cupboard.
This video made me laugh so much I’m pretty sure I soiled myself. It is one of the funniest videos I have seen in a long time purely because it sounds so much like Chewbacca. It’s almost as if they’ve put the sound effect on afterwards… No, surely not.
To all those Chewbacca fans out there, all one of you – he’s rubbish. He’s basically a hairy dog who can’t speak, walks like an idiot and has temper tantrums all the time. And that noise he makes is so damn annoying.