I don’t know about you but I find wiping my ass one of the simplest things I have to do on any given day. It’s hardly rocket science now is it. But clearly some people have trouble, and need a bit of a helping hand.
They need Comfort Wipe, a revolutionary new tool which, although it may look like a stick with toilet roll on, is genius. Why hold something with your hand when you can stuff it in the end of a stick instead?
Sadly, this isn’t a spoof commercial, it’s actually a real product that’s for sale right now. Apparently, toilet paper is “really archaic and disgusting,” which is why someone needed to invent a tool to replace it. Except Comfort Wipe doesn’t do that, still needed toiler paper to work.
I can understand the need for such a device for old, infirm, or disabled people. I’m not totally ignorant or unsympathetic. But do able-bodied people really need this product for wiping their ass with? I don’t think so.