At one point or another, I think every single girl fears becoming a crazy cat lady. You know the type: the old women who live alone and care for an army cats as if they were children. Women like Russia’s Nina Kostovo.
Nina takes the term “crazy cat lady” to a whole new level. The 50-year-old shares her two-bedroom apartment with a whopping 130 strays. She adopted her first kitty 15 years ago, and since then hasn’t been able to resist adding more to her collection.
To be fair, all the cats seem to be in remarkably good condition considering their cramped quarters. The neighbors also insist there’s no lingering smell, although the persistent meowing drives them batty.
I must admit, I’m filled with a touch of admiration for Ms Kostovo. Who knows what the future held for these alley cats? She may be a tad crazy, but it takes a big heart to love and care for so many furry friends.