If you’re in the United States, you should now have have altered all the clocks in your house to reflect the end of Daylight Savings Time. The time Falls back and Springs forward, meaning we’ve just lost an hour of our life.
This video offers a brief history of Daylight Savings Time. When it happens, why we do it etc. Unfortunately, it’s all nonsense, with the guy making the answers up to get a laugh. He was successful.
The truth is that DST was started in order to conserve energy via the use of light bulbs. But it has since been found to have an impact on retail, farming, sports, moods, and road traffic accidents. Not all benefit from the move either.
I personally think we should stop messing about with time and just leave it as it is. There are just as many downsides to the change as there are upsides, so why not just stick to what nature intended?