Yesterday we found out that cats can not only use an iPad quite comfortably, but that they’re fans of the Apple tablet and some of the apps which you can get for it.
But how about our canine friends? Will they love it as much as the feline population? No, it seems not. At least if this particular dog is anything to go by.
The cat enjoyed playing with the iPad, showing no signs of aggression. But this dog sees things a little differently, at first being unsure of the Apple device, and then properly going for it, barking, yapping, and even biting the iPad at one point.
Maybe this says something about Steve Jobs and the way he designs products. The smooth and sleek look and feel of Apple gadgets clearly appeals more to the soft, feminine creatures such as cats. But not the harsh, masculine animals such as dogs.
Or maybe I’m over-analyzing it, and dogs are just fussy and territorial.