For the uninitiated, a wedgie is when something – usually clothing – is wedged between someone’s legs, hard. This can happen by design, with cruel older brothers grabbing the back of pants and pulling up hard, or by accident, as in this video.
This video was quickly taken on the sly by people traveling up the ski slope behind a man who obviously wasn’t sure quite how to use the tow rope. He straddles it, which is fine until it gets pulled tight.
I actually have some sympathy for this guy, and not only because his testicles probably resembled plums after this incident.
I’m normally the person who doesn’t quite understand how something works the first time I encounter it. I need to be shown the correct way once, and then I’m good to go.
So this could easily have happened to me. But it didn’t, so I can laugh heartily along with the rest of you.