It’s very rare that Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw gives a positive, uplifting, and loving review of a game for Zero Punctuation. It’s just not him or his style, as he prefers instead to rip apart games for all the crappy parts that don’t work.
Can Final Fantasy XIII fare any better? After all, this is the latest entry in the Square Enix RPG series beloved by millions around the world. Surely Yahtzee can’t upset all those people by giving it a poor review…
Er, yes he can, actually. And it’s not surprising really, as he generally hates Japanese RPGs and Final Fantasy games in particular.
Add to that the fact that he only actually played the game for five hours before reviewing it (and this is a game that takes about 40 hours upwards to complete) and you have a recipe for a hateful review.
But that’s why we love Zero Punctuation so much. It would be rubbish if he actually loved the games he reviewed!