I recently was dragged to a Foxy Shazam concert with one of my friends fully expecting to not enjoy myself. Although I hadn’t listened to their music before, their pink shirts, tight pants, and random trumpets were off-putting to say the least.
Of course, I was shocked to see how energetic their performance was, and the same can be said for this music video. Could Foxy Shazam be the next Queen?
The saying “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” is certainly something to keep in mind when it comes to Foxy Shazam. In a musical era where most bands are just trying to copy the latest trend, these guys stand out.
If you ever happen to see Foxy Shazam in concert, you’re in for some crazy antics by lead-singer Eric Sean Nally. At the particular concert I was at, he ate 5 cigarettes, sung his lines upside-down, and jumped around the stage constantly- all while managing to still hit his notes perfectly.