The whole “white people rapping” bit is a tad tired these days, but still funny when done correctly. Such is the case with this latest music video by Taylor Swift and T-Pain. No, it isn’t an SNL skit by Andy Samberg, but it might as well be.
After this segment aired, a number of country fans who dislike hip-hop got offended. Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with a girl being goofy and causing a few laughs. And, as T-Pain says, “She didn’t even swear.”
Entire Taylor Swift Dreams Bit
If you couldn’t view the first video due to country restrictions, don’t sweat it. The “Thug Story” music video is actually a clip from this segment which aired before the CMT Awards. Since there aren’t any restrictions on this video, you don’t have to live in the US to view this clip.