Gangster Squad is a new movie set in 1940s Los Angeles. It tells the story of a mob boss who runs the city until a group of cops form the titular gangster squad in order to take him down in whatever way they see fit.
This video shows the review of the film by Chris Stuckmann, who has a reputation for offering fair, honest verdicts on films with well thought out arguments explaining why it’s good or bad.
There are a lot of reviewers hating on Gangster Squad right now, considering it shallow and a definite case of style over substance. The over-reliance on gun fights has also irked some, especially in light of the ongoing debate in the U.S. over gun laws.
The title of this film sucks, as does the marketing, but I’m sorely tempted to go and see it if only for the chance to see such a fine collection of actors on screen together.