Animated videos and cartoons
Animated Video
Back To the Future may be almost 30 years old but it’s still a highly watchable movie. Even in its animated...
Inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, this animated video takes two men through many adventures to find a reward that they weren’t...
“We’re doomed. Pass it on.” – YT
In case you hadn’t noticed 2012 recently morphed into 2013. I know, it happened suddenly and without warning, but hey, you...
It’s Christmas! And to celebrate we have what could be the best Christmas song of all time. And if not the...
“End of the world? I don’t think so. (I put this one together pretty quickly so some of the animation may...
It turns out there are a lot more dumb ways to die than we originally thought. The original offered a comical...
“Mario wasn’t always a plumber and he wasn’t always called Mario. Presenting 10 awesome facts about Nintendo.” – YT
If you have an important message you want to impart on people then don’t lecture them, instead make a PSA video...
Why do men wake up with erections? It’s a question all men (and lots of women) must have asked themselves. This...
The election is over. What do you mean, no one told you? It is, and Obama won. Some people are very...
I must admit the appeal of Minecraft is beyond me. What am I missing? However, I can appreciate Gangnam Style by...
Wreck-It Ralph is the new animated movie from Disney, starring John C. Reilly as the voice of the titular Ralph, a...
Google is currently celebrating the life and work of Herman Melville, with a Doodle on its homepage that can be seen...
It’s common knowledge that President Obama didn’t do particularly well during the first debate against Mitt Romney. Which means he now...
Kids have long been fascinated by ghosts and ghouls, often equally exhilarated and frightened of the invisible bogeyman that lurks in...
Who hasn’t played Street Fighter (in one of its many iterations) and thought that it would be cool if real fights...
Are you sick of Angry Birds yet? Rovio suspects you may be, or at least that it’s taken the little critters...
“Today the gaming world was reintroduced to one of their most beloved places to do battle with a total conversion remaking...
If you like Scooby Doo you’ll like this video. If you like dubstep you’ll like this video. If you like both...
September 8th marks the 46th anniversary of Star Trek arriving on our screens. It was on that date in 1966 that...
An awesome zombie-bashing animated video. Poor zombies.
Are the monarchs worth it? What do they do, anyway?
Guild Wars 2 is just days away from release, and what better way to celebrate its imminent availability than a dance-off...
To say that this is a trippy work of art is an understatement. Artist Anthony Francisco Schepperd certainly outdid himself on...
I love video games, so anyone who thinks they’re evil and bad for society can get knotted, quite frankly. However, obsession...
The London 2012 Olympic Games is over, brought to a close by a spectacular closing ceremony. Music was the main draw,...
Have you, like everyone else, been playing Google’s doodles celebrating the London 2012 Olympic Games? The latest of which (at the...
Ye Shiwen has won her second gold medal and broken her second world record. Good for her, it’s an amazing achievement...
This video shows Missy ‘Missile’ Franklin winning the gold medal in the 100-meters backstroke at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Well,...