Animated videos and cartoons
Animated Video
Monkey Island Special Edition is the remake of the classic pirate adventure RPG PC game from twenty years ago. Workers have...
The fourteenth installment of the massively popular role playing game series Final Fantasy has now officially been slotted for a 2010...
Just when you thought killing zombies and surviving in a post-apocalyptic world couldn’t get any more awesome.
Yes, boys, you are right. Luigi’s Mansion for Game Cube was a bit crap, wasn’t it?
14 years ago, there was a little movie released by the name of Toy Story. It blew everyone away, being the...
I despise religious indoctrination and brainwashing, which is unfortunately what the vast majority of religious parents inflict on their children. Whatever...
The Zero Punctuation reviews are still must-sees for me despite there being so many. Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw never seems to lose...
Just when you though Patrick Stewart talking about having mind control powers and making women’s clothes fall off all the time...
Lemmings: Encouraging the Critical Thinker and the Destructive Sadist – All at the Same Time
Imagine a carefully constructed musical instrument containing every element of an orchestra. Then imagine seeing it played not by dozens of...
If we had videos like this in my science classes, maybe it would have been easier to get my head around...
“In a way Swine Flu is like the Susan Boyle of the disease world. It hasn’t done very much at this...
This is a (long – ten minutes) video introducing the various features and things available in Sony Online Entertainment’s new family-friendly...
Today is 4/20, a significant date not just for being the anniversary of the Columbine High School shootings but for also...
Easter is, of course, a Christian holiday. Although there is evidence to suggest that the holiday started out as an Anglo-Saxon...
I love how they feature clips of Sonic the Hedgehog but don’t actually feature his powerup on either list…
Here at WebTVHub, we’re big fans of the gentle animated musings of Tales of Mere Existence. Here creator Levni Yilmaz reminds...
It’s been a few years since I was regular viewer of children’s TV, unless you’d put Happy Tree Friends, South Park,...
It’s that time again, when Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw reviews a video game in his unique style of ripping it to shreds...
She’s typing! She’s typing!
Whether you use it or not, most of you are probably aware of a new social media phenomenon called Twitter. This...
Here we have an unreleased clip from the 101st Family Guy episode. No one knows for sure exactly why this (nearly)...
There aren’t a lot of great Questionable Content videos on YouTube, but a video with “Indier Than Thou” playing in the...
Fans of the Watchmen are in for a real treat! Here’s the new leaked footage from upcoming Watchmen video game. The...
This video is so bad it’s good. Seriously. It goes all the way around the pants-o-meter that it comes out the...
I could have probably named off three scenes from different Disney movies that were similar, but I wouldn’t have said they...
Jesus loves you, but his dad thinks you’re a little s***….
Watchmen, the movie version of the classic and critically acclaimed graphic novel by Alan Moore, is now out at cinemas everywhere....
Now that The Watchmen has finally hit theaters, people are having a hard time judging the movie. While MTV and The...
Apparently coffee can make you a murderous monster. Well, at least that seems to be what Oldelaf thinks of the popular...