Animated videos and cartoons
Animated Video
And Doctor Frankenstein thought he was cool.
Meet Emily. She isn’t real, but I’d have a hard time discerning her from many models on TV. I’d say this...
This is a brilliant video showing what it would be like to use a human being as a mode of transport...
I was not at all surprised to see how many video games on this list were NES games. I don’t think...
A special hat tip to the Unofficial 2008 Beijing Olympics Blog for pointing this excellent animated video out.
There have been some classic moments in video game history: the horror of the first Resident Evil game, playing in 3D...
“It’s very efficient… and a little vicious.” Oh really? Just a little?
Ah, the good old days of gaming with Atari and Nintendo.
This interesting video takes you through the evolution of anime, starting in the 1960s and going through until today. How many...
I just visited the Break video website not too long ago, and I found this very cool video of a daring...
Family Guy is currently on it’s 7th season in the US. Even though the show has definitely pushed the limits of...
Not your usual god game, Spore by EA Games allows you to create creates and guide them from the beginning of...
Simon’s cat is at it again. The time while Simon is trying to watch the big game on the sports channel.
The Matrix may be yesterday’s news, but it still stand up for me as one of the best movie trilogies ever....
NSFW in regards to language. Make sure you have your headphones on.
In the original trilogy of Star Wars movies, Boba Fett was a hard nut bounty hunter employed by Jabba The Hutt...
July 7th, or 7/7, has been dubbed Bungie Day. Okay, it was dubbed that by the folks at Bungie, and its...
Super Mario World glitches. Mmm. Tasty.
Disney/Pixar’s latest film WALL-E has certainly been making some waves lately. But have you ever seen Pixar’s very first 3D animated...
Father’s Day is upon us once again, with this Sunday the one day of the year when you are meant to...
About a month ago, there were rumors of a new Family Guy spin-off involving the character Cleveland. Now, a video has...
Twitter is one of those new Web 2.0 applications that is used extensively by people within the industry but hasn’t really...
Supposedly, this 7 minute video includes all 231 fatalities from every single Mortal Kombat game. I couldn’t tell you if that...
This clever stop motion animation recreates the cult classic cartoon Transformers. But these robots aren’t disguised as cars. Instead they take...
Many of us recall watching The Flintstones growing up as a child. However, did you know that back in the 1960’s...
And people wonder why I miss my Mac.
This clever animated short film by Blu simply blew my mind. Muto will take you on a surrealistic journey. You won’t...
Pffft. Donkey Kong isn’t as easy as that looks.
You Suck At Photoshop is the latest Web television series to go viral and get praised by all and sundry, picking...
Treadmills have been around for a number of years now, and provide people with the ability to do some walking exercise...