Animated videos and cartoons
Animated Video
The latest Google Doodle celebrates the life of S.P.L. Sorensen, the Danish chemist who developed the pH Scale used around the...
Shawshank Redemption is an absolutely classic movie. I’ve watched it several times already, and could happily watch it several more without...
Line Rider is a web browser game where you draw a line (or series of lines) and then watch a little...
“Here’s the new trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2, a video game about cowboys that I think a couple of people...
As far as the internet is concerned, YouTube is a giant amongst giants. It’s one of the biggest sites in existence,...
Eesh. I’ll just have an aspirin, thanks.
Hm. Can even Benedict Cumberbatch save yet another Grinch movie?
I don’t think I can look at pancakes for a while.
I’m still not entirely convinced that I *shouldn’t* play it.
Breaking Bad was a truly epic show. Unlike other shows, the quality never faltered throughout its run, and it even had...
“Although Donald Trump’s presidency has been deemed a gift to late-night comedians in general and Stephen Colbert in particular, the CBS...
Mr. Poopybutthol isn’t a major character in Rick and Morty, but the fans seem to have taken a shine to him...
What? Haven’t you ever wondered?
Jack Jack has aaaaaall the powers right now.
See? I do it for my health.
This is so cute! I just have to ignore all the real spiders in the ‘related videos’.
If you’re over a certain age you’ll probably remember the Falklands War that took place in 1982. On one side were...
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks, you’ll know that Harvey Weinstein has been in...
Rockstar has released a brand new trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2, the long-awaited sequel to the Wild West-themed game from...
My search history says that I’m obviously a novelist… otherwise I need to talk to a professional.
I love it! I have to see this movie.
Modern relationships are forged slightly differently than relationships of old. Your grandparents would have met with a chaperone, courted, and then...
Excuse me while I just go over there and die of cuteness overload.
In a Heartbeat is a short animated film that’s gone viral online. And if you watch it you’ll quickly see why...
Ah, but when you’re talking about this show, shouldn’t it be which Morty will kill which Rick?
Poor Link always having to do all the hard work while Zelda and Ganondorf have tea parties.
Captain Marvel is coming to the big screen, with Marvel giving the character her own movie that’s set to be released...