An online channel, TV series or video that focuses on celebrities and famous people.
Celebrity and TV
There’s been a lot of celebrity gossip spread around in the past week. So much that the PopCrunch show is about...
This video shows some of the speech given by Gordon Brown to the Labour party conference in Manchester. The full speech...
Well, if you missed the Emmy’s this year, you are not alone! Not only was it the lowest ranking for viewers...
As you may already know, Travis Barker suffered severe injuries from a recent plane crash that killed four other people on...
People download copyrighted music from the Internet all the time, and it’s an issue that is not only bothering record companies,...
If you’ve had a bad day, then look no further. This latest edition of the PopCrunch show is sure to brighten...
Gordon Brown waited ten years for Tony Blair to give up his post as Prime Minister of Britain, and now that...
After finding the last Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld commercial extremely dull, I had nothing but low expectations for this latest...
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin and Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton; ah, what a pair. These comedic women certainly capture the...
If you ever thought Matt Damon was just a pretty boy actor, you might want to think again. He shows he’s...
Could the biggest baddest Hollywood star be a killer? Here director Walter Boyle reveals the dark secret behind all of Arnie’s...
Just because the golf master known as Tiger Woods is out for surgery (and having another baby apparently), doesn’t mean he...
From Karl Rove to Bill O’Reilly to Nancy Pfotenhauer, hypocrisy seems to run deep in today’s politics; especially when it comes...
I love YouTube’s new policy of allowing videos longer than 10 minutes, as it means we get to watch important events...
Last night saw the final of Big Brother 9, with the remaining five house mates informed which order they finished in,...
Contrary to what the title of this episode would have you think, there really isn’t any midget porn in this edition...
Here at Web TV Hub, we’re big fans of slow motion. I’ve seen some beautiful slow-mo videos, some educational ones, but...
Lily Allen is as famous for her social indiscretions as she is her music. If she’s not topping the charts, she’s...
Sarah Palin is the vice presidential candidate under White House hopeful John McCain. She spoke at the Republican National Convention on...
Top 15 Celebrity Kiss & Licking Scenes If you’re at work, you might want to prepare your pants. If you’re not,...
In this latest PopCrunch update, Sarah cracks jokes on everyone from Olympians to dead actors, yet she manages to do it...
Barack Obama’s historic speech at the Democratic National Convention has been made available in its entirety on YouTube. And it’s definitely...
Alicia Sacramone is, no doubt, one of the women we missed on WebTvHub’s 50 Hottest Olympic Girls. Like most female athletes,...
Bill Maher is one of those 80’s comedians that can still be “hip to the times” and this interview proves it....
When a BBC reporter was asked to bring down a cut-out of Olympic Gold Medalist Michael Phelps to Tienanmen Square, he...
Not too long ago, a YouTube user Levanator25 uploaded a video from Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 that showed Tiger standing...
Chris Rock is one funny dude and George Carlin is no doubt a legend. Just having the two in the same...
They’re gradually taking over. Hollywood, the music industry and the small screen are only some of the arenas Australians are making...
As a fan of both comedians, I have to say I was thrilled when this video surfaced. Using three topics or...
I could have shared this video a year ago, but then again, I didn’t want Chris Crocker spamming my email. So...