An online channel, TV series or video that focuses on celebrities and famous people.

Celebrity and TV

Funny Prank Inspired By Anchorman Video | “I’m A Dumbass,” Says Charles Barkley

It’s one thing for the average person to be publicly humiliated on TV, but it’s even worse for a celebrity. A...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Famous Failures Video | Think You’ll Never Get Anywhere? Think Again!

If you’re dragging your feet at the end of the working week and believing you’ll never get anywhere, this video could...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Funny Anti-Piracy PSA Video | McLovin Says “Don’t Fuck With My DVD Money!”

“Piracy PSA” with Christopher Mintz-Plasse on McLovin from Superbad is back with another helpful Public Service Announcement. This time it...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Mario and Karina Voted Off DWTS | They Danced Their Last Dance

After a rough start, Marissa Winoker and professional partner Tony seem to be flying through these eliminations with a blink of...
Julie Popp
23 sec read

“Leave Tom Cruise Alone!” Video | Sara East From PopCrunch Defends a Celebrity?

Instead of carrying on with her usual merciless humor, Sara East refuses to go on with her latest PopCrunch webisode. When...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Celebrities Without Makeup Video | Surprise, Surprise, The Stars Aren’t Perfect

Like most women I love pouring through the trashy mags and catching those photos of the stars without their makeup. This...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Survivor Behind The Scenes Video | What Happens After You Get Voted Out?

I have to admit that I would watch a whole different Survivor of just the behind the scenes look at those...
Julie Popp
36 sec read

PopCrunch Show Video Update | Eddie Murphy & K. Fed Are Deadbeat Dads

In this latest episode, Sarah East is as controversial as ever. Who else would make a tranny joke and a Heath...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Amy Winehouse On ‘Never Mind The Buzzcocks’ – Video Compilation Of Best Bits

Amy Winehouse has obviously been in the news quite a bit over the last week, even more so than she normally...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Phil Hansen Does Amy Winehouse Art Video

When it comes to creating art from food and other unlikely mediums, Phil Hansen is the man. Here he’s turned his...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Shannon Elizabeth and Derek Hough’s Rumba On DWTS | Sizzle Or Fizzle?

Ay carumba, this rumba! With the sexiest of all latin dances taking the floor on Dancing With The Stars, rumors, of...
Julie Popp
21 sec read

Hillary And Obama WWE Smackdown (Vid) | Let’s Get Ready To Fumble

First there was the break-dancing contest, now, Obama and Hillary are going at it in the ring. Not literally (or literally,...
Julie Popp
20 sec read

PopCrunch Show Earth Day Edition Video | Leonardo Dicapro Is An Eco-Friendly Celebrity

Horray! It’s Earth Day! Even if you don’t care (I admit I had no idea either) about this “this day of...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Lebron James Insane Dunk (Vid) | Lebron Makes Records This Past Weekend

With the playoffs just getting underway in the NBA, there are already big highlights hitting the reels and the internet. After...
Julie Popp
27 sec read

Crazy Blindside Vote On Survivor (Vid) | Favorite Ozzy Is Out

Sometimes Survivor is so predictable, but every so often somebody will throw a monkey in the wrench, or whatever that saying...
Julie Popp
23 sec read

TommyTV | Designer Tommy Hilfiger & Record Label BMG Team Up For Web Channel

Music and fashion have been inextricably linked for many years now, and American fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger has been at the...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Kobe Bryant Jumps Over Car Video | Amazing Stunt Real or Fake? Watch The First Take

To promote his new HyperDunk shoe, a video of the one-and-only Kobe Bryant has surfaced in which he appears to be...
Iman Peera
33 sec read

Funny Ode to Zach Braff Music Video

I think Zach Braff is just about the coolest guy in Hollywood. I loved Garden State. I have all the Scrubs...
Lauren Katulka
28 sec read

Kristi Yamaguchi On Dancing With The Stars | Poised To Take The Glass Ball?

Kristi came in on the first week and swept the floor and the judges with the highest scores ever achieved by...
Julie Popp
29 sec read

Hayden Panettiere’s Sexual Harrassment Public Service Announcement Spoof Video

We know hottie Hayden Panettiere as the cheerleader on Heroes and a whale rights activist. Here we see a different side...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

PopCrunch Video Update | Katie Holmes Is Crazy & Pamela Anderson Is An Old Whore

This latest update from the PopCrunch show is dedicated to “exposing the celebrity underground, one drunken loser and hack at a...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Doctor Who – Dukes Of Hazzard Spoof Video | David Tennant Is The Duke Of Galifrey

The new series of the new Doctor Who began last Saturday in the UK, and to celebrate the series return, a...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Britney Spears On Drugs? | Crazy Video Footage Before The Hair-Shaving Incident

We remember the days when Britney was just funny crazy, not crazy crazy; and that was also the days of her...
Julie Popp
33 sec read

Jimmy Kimmel Covers Unnecessary Censorship (Vid) | Is It BLEEPIN’ Necessary?

The politicians will go to great lengths to protect the American people. Not through health care, not through affordable living, but...
Julie Popp
31 sec read

Acting Legend Charlton Heston Dies | CNN’s Trubite to The Artist & Activist

If you’ve ever watched a movie, chances are you’ve heard of Charlton Heston. And if you’ve flipped on the TV today,...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

PopCrunch Show Video Update | Celebrity Gossip Quiz April Fools Edition

If you haven’t had enough April Fools to fill your apetite, leave it to the PopCrunch Show to change that. This...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

“What The Buck” Rates “Dancing With The Stars” (Vid) | Hilarious Commentary

Ok, once you get over the fact that this guy, Buck, must have had like 10 espressos before taping his web...
Julie Popp
19 sec read

Steve Carell’s Lessons About Turtles Video

We all know Steve Carell is one of the funniest men in show business. But did you know he’s also a...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

“Hollywood Squares” April Fool’s Joke on Tom Bergeron | They Aren’t Contestants

I’ve never been a fan of April Fool’s, as I’m as gullible as they come, but I do have to admit...
Julie Popp
30 sec read

George Bush Booed Loudly Video | Washington Nationals Crowd Don’t Hold Back

George W. Bush’ time as President of the United States of America, and the most powerful man in the world is...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read