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Comedy TV & Video

Hilarious Super Kaizo World Video | Difficult Mario Level Makes Gamer Crazy (NSFW – Language)

I haven’t heard someone swear so much while playing a game in years.
21 sec read

Funny Mad TV ‘Hooters In Ohio’ Sketch Video | “It This Hooters Or Heffers?”

When a group of guys walk into a Hooters after a long day of work, what they see isn’t exactly appealing....
Iman Peera
27 sec read

New Kat Williams Leaked ‘It’s Pimpin’ Pimpin’ Video | Comedian Explains Why Hilary Lost

Katt Wiliams’ new stand-up special “It’s Pimpin’ Pimpin” will be released on November 11th in it’s entirety. To hype up the...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

McCain’s Concession Speech Remixed Video | If McCain Hadn’t Accepted Defeat Graciously

When Barack Obama was elected President of The United States of America, his opponent, John McCain, graciously accepted defeat and gave...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Rick Astley Is ‘Best Act Ever’ Video | MTV Europe Music Awards Get Rickrolled

Rickrolling has been a huge Internet phenomenon, so much so in fact that it lead Rick Astley to be named as...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Richard Pryor Was First Black President (Vid Clip) | 30 Years Before Barack Obama

Barack Obama is the first black or African-American President of The United States Of America right? Wrong, Richard Pryor got there...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Funny Vintage Television Advert Video | Classic Wendy’s Commercial: Where’s the Beef?

Here lies the origin of the phrase that haunted my childhood: “Where’s the beef?”
22 sec read

Brilliant Halloween Prank Video | Scary Trick Or Treat Dummy Freaks Out Parents

It seems like every year around this time a Halloween prank video surfaces. This latest one involves a dummy, two hidden...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Funny South Park Video | Super Secret Agent Sarah Palin

And you thought she was just a (slightly dumb) ordinary woman from Alaska…
21 sec read

Olsen Twins Getting Boob Jobs Video | Jonas Brothers New ‘Farting Dog’ Movie Crunched

Obama may be the most popular person on the planet right now, but the PopCrunch show reminds us that movie stars...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

Funny Family Guy Video | The Iraq War In 30 Seconds

Just as I was typing this the new President of the United States was officially announced: Barack Obama! I, like many...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Jon Stewart on Proposition 8 Video | California’s Gay Marriages Under Threat

Today millions of Americans visited the polls to decide who will be the next president of the United States. But that...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

Obama Wins According To The Republicans – McCain Wins According To The Democrats

This video is a brilliant spoof on the 2008 Presidential Election, showing the extreme views each party holds on the other,...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

What Will Life Be Like Under Barack Obama? (Comedy Video) | Welcome To Obamatopia

There’s a strong possibility that Barack Obama will be the next President Of The United States Of America. If the polls...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

John McCain On Saturday Night Live Video | Republican Candidate Alongside Tina Fey

One thing the Republican campaign duo of John McCain and Sarah Palin has done well in the race for the White...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Sarah Palin Prank Phonecall Video | Masked Avengers Pretend To Be French President

The race for the White House is drawing to a close so what better time than now to prank call Republican...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

JibJab Makes Zombies Out Of McCain, Obama and Palin | Happy Halloween

In the spirit of Halloween and the election nipping at it’s heels, this JibJab video takes the best of both worlds...
Julie Popp
19 sec read

Funny 2008 US Presidential Debate Video | McCain’s Flatulence Problem Rivals Farting Preacher

I needed some comic relief from the election news… John McCain needed some gastro-intestinal relief… It’s all good.
22 sec read

Watch Obama on ‘The Daily Show’ Video | October 29th Interview & Full Episode

Yesterday was certainly a great day for Obama voters. Not only did Obama’s half-hour infomercial American Stories, American Solutions air, but...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Colbert Report Video | Mark Ciptak Names Newborn Daughter Sarah McCain Palin Behind Wife’s Back

In my marriage, that would be grounds for divorce if he didn’t get it fixed. Fast.
24 sec read

John McCain Does A Bushism Video | Accidentally Insults Entire Crowd In Pennsylvania

President Bush is already notorious for his many speech mishaps, Freudian slips, or Bushisms as some call them. Though, now it...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

Funny Japanese Hooker English Lesson Video | “Useful For Your Everyday Life” (NSFW)

Wacky Japanese? Check. Inappropriate? Check. Hilarious? Check. All you aspiring hookers be sure to grab your memo pad!
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Bill Cosby Exhibiting Dementia On ESPN (Video) | Or Maybe He’s Just Drunk?

Bill Cosby is getting on a bit, being 71 years of age now. But he’s still being asked to appear on...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Funny Talk Show Clips Video | Late Night Television Takes on 2008 Election

The election draws closer and the jokes keep coming faster.
22 sec read

Funny Arabic Belly Dancer Stripper Video | She’s Bad At Being Bad (NSFW)

There are those girls who can belly dance, those that can strip, and then there are those girls who shouldn’t even...
Iman Peera
31 sec read

Zero Punctuation Reviews ‘Silent Hill Homecoming’ Video | America Vs. Japan

The Zero Punctuation video reviews are absolutely unmissable, whether you’re in to video games or not. And this one, for Silent...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Funny Security Camera Vid | Botched Bank Robbery – Didn’t Think of That!

The education system is truly in a bad state when the thieves can’t even do their work correctly.
26 sec read

George Bush Endorses John McCain & Sarah Palin | Will Ferrell On Saturday Night Live

Whoever you’re going to vote for in the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election, you probably agree that George W. Bush has done...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Ron Howard Wants You to Vote Barack Obama Video | Ron Howard, Andy Griffith, and Henry Winkler Join Forces for Election PSA

These days we know Ron Howard as the Academy-Award winning director of Apollo 13 and A Beautiful Mind. But in the...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Miley Cyrus’s 20 Year-Old Boyfriend Crunched Video | MTV’s ‘The Hills’ Is Ending?

This week, PopCrunch fills us in on celebrity relationships. First, Madonna dupes her husband for a younger baseball player and now...
Iman Peera
29 sec read