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Comedy TV & Video
I love the new wave of Marvel Comics superhero movies. The X-Men trilogy and the Spider-Man films (three so far and...
Dogs have been used in the army since 1942, but I doubt any incident like this has occurred before. When ordered...
Metal gear Solid 4 was released exclusively on the Playstation 3 on June 12th, and since then the game has received...
Okay, if you are going to play with the name of one of my favourite books, you had darn well better...
I love cats. And George Carlin, rest in peace, is hilarious. Perfect combination.
With the sad news today that a beloved and infamous comedian, George Carlin, passed away yesterday from heart failure, I felt...
When the Segway was first announced years ago, I seem to recall a whole load of hype being spouted about how...
As promised the PopCrunch Show has released it’s interview footage from the 2008 MTV Movie Awards. It may be overdue, but...
Although this commercial is insanely cheesy, the actual product is fairly useful. Instead of picking up wet poop, pet owners can...
YouTube sensations come and go like there’s no tomorrow, with a new one replacing the last quicker than I can say...
As my husband would say, this is about the time you need a car with a big bar on the front...
To fully understand our photoshop tutor, Donnie, you should be somewhat familiar with his past installments of “You Suck At Photoshop.”...
We already know that lie detectors can be inaccurate, but what about using a fake lie detector? Alex Zane here uses...
And you thought no one could sell celibacy.
Anyone who has been watching the latest series of Big Brother UK will know exactly what clip this is before clicking...
Something tells me he is never ever going to be a cat person.
I’ve definitely had some good reasons for calling out of work in the past, but nothing beats getting murdered and burned...
Sometimes I watch videos and I wonder what the aliens think when they look down on us. I think that maybe...
I still can’t believe this public service announcement is real. The rapper in this video goes by the name Phua Chu...
What is it about old people and new technology? In the main they just don’t understand it, no matter how many...
Whoa. If I had pulled that kind of crap with my instructor, he would have taken my head off and had...
It can be tough being a man in today’s society. You’re encouraged to have close male friends, but you’re damned if...
This crazy wedding dance starts off with the typical ho hum sappy song and the newly married couple canoodling on stage...
This is probably the first time that Sarah from the PopCrunch Show has actually interviewed real people. You’d think that she’d...
Wii Fit came out at the end of May for the massively popular Nintendo Wii, and it has sold in incredible...
Father’s Day is upon us once again, with this Sunday the one day of the year when you are meant to...
When Chevy decided to let anyone and everyone make their own Chevy Tahoe commercials, I bet they really didn’t expect something...
So, this guy decides to try a little experiment and push the buttons of his driver’s education instructors. Who knew it...
Here in Atlanta, we have a funny saying, “That girl just whipped her black out!” This video brings that saying to...
I doubt I’d ever see the day that a controversial short like this would be aired on American television. It’s such...