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Comedy TV & Video
Hollywood is making a live-action Dora the Explorer movie. I know, it’s a terrible idea, but it’s happening, and there’s nothing...
“Matt Damon is officially the world’s worst “manny”!
It has recently emerged that former Fox News presenter Bill O’Reilly has settled potential lawsuits with a handful of women over...
Winner, winner chicken dinner.
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 is a pretty dumb movie. If you liked the first film you’ll like the sequel, but...
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks, you’ll know that Harvey Weinstein has been in...
The Simpsons isn’t as good as it once was. That’s no great shame though. After all, it’s been on the air...
Several women have come forward claiming that Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein made unwelcome advances towards them over the years. Sadly,...
Andrew Rea is back with another episode of Binging With Babish. And in this one he makes several dishes as seen...
Groundhog Day is one of the best movies ever made. And the concept, that someone could get stuck living the same...
The final Justice League trailer has dropped, with DC showing it off at New York Comic-Con. And I have to say...
One of the biggest chores for any actor is giving countless interviews in order to promote a new movie. And the...
I think we’ve all got that one friend that has the capacity to annoy us at times. Whether intentionally or not....
Ryan Gosling makes amazing movies, and a lot of them have the same kind of vibe going on. The films are...
Larry David is back with a new series of Curb Your Enthusiasm. For those not up to speed on Curb, it’s...
Velcro, which is a company in its right, has published a video on YouTube asking everyone to stop using the word...
If you were a fan of King of Queens back in the day then you should probably start watching Kevin Can...
I couldn’t resist checking out a flights one because expensive flying is a whole world of living that I will probably...
The Big Bang Theory is one of those sitcoms that splits opinion. Some people love it, and find it hilarious, while...
Conan O’Brien recently visited Israel in order to explore the country, get to know its inhabitants, make friends, and, most importantly...
I mistyped Batman as Barman. LEGO Barman would be an interesting movie…
The devil is in the ball hairs.
Please be as good as the trailer suggests. Please be as good as the trailer suggests.
If you enjoyed the 2001 comedy film, Super Troopers, then you’ll be pleased to hear that a sequel is finally making...
“Superheroes are everywhere these days, on the big screen and small.
Canadians have a certain reputation. This reputation, that has spread around the world, suggests that they’re nice, courteous, laid back, and...
Ray Romano, you know, the guy from Everybody Loves Raymond, wants his son to get a girlfriend. And so he pimped...
There are plenty of other fish in the sea monster. Wise words for our time.
Assuming you’re up to date with Game of Thrones Season 7 you’ll know that Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen are working...
Since mobile phones became a thing we’re all subjected to other people’s conversations in our everyday lives. And sometimes those conversations...