Comedy TV Shows, Movies and Video Clips available online. News, reviews and tips to get the best comedy on the internet.
Comedy TV & Video
Most religious TV broadcasts are notoriously boring. But this psychedelic clip from public access television is a hoot. Don’t be fooled...
Dating and poop must go hand in hand these days. Even though it’s a commercial this time, this video can be...
I miss this guy! He is definitely one of my favorite comedians, and I haven’t seen anything new from him in...
The next generation console war continues apace, with a three way battle between the Nintendo Wii, the Sony PS3 and the...
Some brides want to look elegant on their wedding day, and some opt for fashions that are rather unique. But this...
For years Internet Explorer, Microsoft’s attempt at a universal Internet browser was all anyone ever used, before Firefox came along and...
Play with fire, play with sharp tools like pocket knives, throw a spear, deconstruct appliances, break the DMCA and drive a...
You may have said the word ‘No’ to express a number of things. Shia LaBeouf, however, takes the word to a...
Bill Gates, Creator, founder and now chairman of Microsoft, is soon going to be retiring from the everyday running of the...
Rather than following the trend of most websites, The PopCrunch Show does a ‘Year In Review’ for 1987. Why 1987? Let’s...
These days, some commercials just defy all description or explanation. This ad for Wilkinson’s Family Restaurant is a parody of those....
This video has been around for a while but it hasn’t yet featured on WebTVHub, so I thought I should rectify...
Don’t act like this has never happened to you. Everyone experiences some sort of potty problem once every blue moon. Usually,...
Obviously this is the first session of this You Suck At Photoshop video montage, and this guy is quite apparently unhappy...
This video is one of those things you don’t want to look at but can’t look away… This guy definitely deserves...
This is a video every writer or even everyone who has fancied him/herself as a writer will enjoy. As for the...
If you watch television at all, you’ve surely seen the new Whopper Freakout ads in which Burger King employees tell customers...
Ok, first of all, who the hell starts off their video dating tape by saying that they don’t shower, and end...
Don’t get me wrong, I like French people in general. If it weren’t for France, the world would miss a ton...
American President George W. Bush does a fine job of making a fool of himself without help from anyone else. But...
I’m not necessarily a big person either, and I shot a rifle once and thought I was going to fall on...
Imagine this: it’s a hot summer day and you’re chilling in the pool. All of a sudden, the lifeguard blows his...
Part of the fun of going to concerts is seeing your fellow concertgoers dancing around and making fools of themselves. At...
In this funny stand up comedy video, Joe Rogan presents his theory on how Egyptians built the pyramids.
The Dancing Weather Girl – Watch more free videos Mmmm kay. Whatever that was. I’m still not exactly sure what happened...
There is increasing evidence that the USA is going the way of almost every superpower before it, and trying to maintain...
Have you ever gone to the movies and been appalled at how little respect your fellow moviegoers have for others who...
I feel sorry for newscasters because they have to talk so much, and when they screw up people tend to criticize...
Ever since the 300 trailer came out, there have been countless parodies of it. People like to argue which parody came...
Kevin Federline, also known as KFed and who is Britney’s latest trust fund baby is mostly known for his lack of...