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Comedy TV & Video
“The Honest Trailer for ridiculous smash hit ‘Deadpool’ has arrived, and bonus twist: Deadpool is in it.
This Sunday is Mother’s Day in the United States, which means sons around the country will be buying cards and (hopefully)...
Today is Star Wars Day. Why? Because it’s the 4th of May. No, wait, it’s May the 4th. Hence, May the...
Markiplier shows you all the ways you can win your heart’s desire. Because SENPAI!
Mario Kart is one of the best franchises of all time, with the games being consistently good since the days when...
Key and Peele, the comedy duo who have won fans on TV and the Internet alike, have made their first feature...
If your PC is running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 then you will have encountered the Windows 10 nag-screen by now....
New movie trailers are released every day, and most of them are boring, plodding, predictable, and unimaginative. And that’s if you...
Come for me! Come for me now? How about now?
I pretty much hate April Fools Day, but this is pretty damn funny.
In case you hadn’t noticed, today is April Fools’ Day. Perhaps you have fallen for a prank, or perhaps you’re with...
There’s a strange trend online for unboxing videos, with people posting videos of themselves unboxing various things for no apparent reason....
“Matt Groening’s attention to detail is awesomely insane.” – YT
“It’s all about making money by destroying society’s already low self-esteem.” – YT
I don’t agree with a lot of what John Oliver says on Last Week Tonight, but I’m 100% behind this segment...
If you were hosting a live radio show at breakfast time, the last thing you would want to happen is your...
While I wouldn’t necessarily call them anything as rude as “fuckboys”, we all know the kinds of people this video is...
“Turns out the Simpsons are way more messed up than we thought. Like, depressingly so.” – YT
“Morgan Freeman has one of the most distinctive voices in showbiz – and he knows it.
Where’s Waldo? has been around almost 30 years at this point, and it remains fun for all the family to find...
This is the first official trailer for the new Ghostbusters movie, a reboot of the franchise brought up to date for...
It looks highly likely that Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination to be the next President of the United States....
“On Sunday’s Last Week Tonight, John Oliver finally took on billionaire Donald Trump.
When you’re watching Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, as millions of you undoubtedly will, you should be aware that you’re...
Braaaaaaaains. Must have braaaaaains. Or something like that.
“Please subscribe to my channel and my vlog channel! I make new videos here every Wednesday and make vlogs during my...
Because you haven’t really experienced The Walking Dead until someone has taken the piss out of it. For the second time.
It looks like YouTube Red is getting off to a grand start by offering the first episode of ‘Scare PewDiePie’ for...
If you haven’t seen Making a Murderer, the brilliant Netflix documentary about Steven Avery yet, then a) you should do so...
“On the basis of the pre-publicity for Here Come The Habibs you’d think it was all about to destroy the fragile...