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Comedy TV & Video
Finding Nemo is one of the best animated movies of all time. Made by Pixar (who else?!), Finding Nemo tells the...
The Boston Naturals are a cover band from, yep, you guessed it, Boston. They play at parties, weddings, and clubs, etc....
“Lots of people are outraged over a new app that launches today called “Rumblr.”
It’s baaaaaaaaaack. Oh, yeah, baby. Just the way I like it.
Jimmy Kimmel is a cruel, cruel man. That’s the only explanation for this video, which shows the results of the talk...
Remi Gaillard is a famous French prankster who we have covered numerous times here on WebTVHub. He is infamous for his...
You can make a documentary out of anything. Literally. People have made documentaries out of the strangest things, and no one...
Michael J. Fox is probably best known for the Back to the Future trilogy. Sure, he’s done plenty of other movies...
Today is Back to the Future Day, in case you hadn’t noticed. Why? Because in Back to the Future II, Doc...
Bill Murray is a comedy legend, and someone closely associated with Christmas thanks to the success of Scrooged, his modern-day take...
“Customers shopping at a Target located in Campbell, California were shocked when audio from a porno began playing over the store’s...
Back to the Future 2 is an awesome movie in which our heroes, Doc and Marty, travel to the future. October...
Would you recognize Chris Pratt if he was standing straight in front of you? Of course you would. He has starred...
I quite like BuzzFeed in small doses. Their investigative journalism is great, and some of their fun and frivolous stuff is...
Everyone hates Justin Bieber, right? Oh, I know he has some fans, but they’re all under the age of 16 and...
I don’t know about you but I have Googled some strange stuff in my time. Stuff that, presented without context, would...
We have all been there… you and your significant other have the evening to yourselves, and decide to watch something on...
“Can you really put a price on love? The answer is, yes, of course you can.” – YT
Dog is man’s best friend. This is a truth we have known for a long time, but have perhaps forgotten in...
“Set ’em up, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and lend an ear to the troubles of a presidential candidate.
“IKEA: Swedish for ‘fuck you’.”
Well hello there. It looks like you had some good sex last night. Well done.
It turns out that Apple fanboys and Apple fangirls are dumb as shit. Or at least some of them. Should we...
Nicole Arbour recently recorded a rant aimed at fat people. This is a response to that “Dear Fat People” video, with...
So, apparently I am one of the few people out there who has never heard of Markiplier before. Yep.
Key and Peele are always funny, and often hilarious. And this series of sketches lightly mocking Neil deGrasse Tyson is definitely...
Jimmy Kimmel doesn’t understand the appeal of watching other people play video games. So he mocked those who do when YouTube...
Japan loves its dogs. However, rather than just own them, the Japanese like to stick their dogs on game shows. OK,...
You’ve got to feel for this guy. He spends hours installing a new cat door for his feline friend, only for...
I rather like a trip to Ikea. I like their furniture, I like their meatballs, and I don’t mind the fact...