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Comedy TV & Video
A girl dancing in hotpants is, well, something you’d see in most (non)classy establishments in cities around the world. But guys...
This cat really doesn’t like being bathed. In fact, it hates the experience so much it screams, “No,” over and over...
While I’m not a huge fan of Ray J, I have to say this guy is crazy good at some catchy...
The Price Is Right is always good fun, whether the contestants are intelligent enough to get close to winning or so...
Chess is a classic board game that has been played for thousands of years. Or has it? This guy has other...
I really enjoyed The Life Of Pi, both the movie and the book it was based on. But clearly not everyone...
Universal Pictures Proudly presents, the film that has absolutely no dialogue whatsoever and would have been way way wayyyyy better had...
“Having trouble keeping up with all the April Fools’ Day pranks on the Internet? Scott rounds them all up for you.”
Google always pulls out all the stops for April Fools Day, and it’s done so again for 2013. Alongside the Google...
Who needs to search the Web with their fingers and eyes when they can search with their noses instead? Google Nose...
I hate April Fool’s Day. Whoever is responsible for its creation definitely ended up in Hell, if it (or anywhere like...
“Shut Up! Cartoons” has just created a new hilarious addition to their educational spoof series featuring witty little kids teaching the...
“Got a tech idea and want to make a fortune before you’re out of your teens? Just do it, is the...
“There’s no one in the car!” This has got to be one of the best pranks I’ve viewed in months. He...
I’m not a fan of pranks that humiliate or hurt people. They’re just cruel. However, pranks which are harmless and laced...
No one looks good in the throes of passion. And I mean no one. Even the best looking people on the...
Okay, so maybe not a bull but this cow lacks an udder, considering it’s a male cow and therefore is close...
This video shows a kitten that supposedly doesn’t know if it’s a cat or a goat, at least judging by the...
Most of us use the stairs on a daily basis; at home, at work, out shopping, out on the town. It’s...
David Brent, Gervais’ iconic character creation from The Office, is back, having returned for Comic Relief, a charitable effort which uses...
SimCity is one of the best PC game franchises of all time. Or at least it was until EA ruined it...
The wet willy is normally the domain of the pubescent schoolboy, who will happily insert a finger into his mouth before...
This video offers very simple viewing pleasure. If you like seeing people doing stupid things and being punished for doing them...
This dog is asleep on its owners bed, dreaming away about chasing sticks in the park (probably), and snoring in about...
This is an oldie but a goodie. It’s still as funny as ever…after all, people are still pirating physical media such...
Technology moves at an alarming pace. For proof, see Friends. Yes, that American sitcom from a decade ago. Just watch, you’ll...
Electricity can kill, mmmkay. So don’t mess around with it under any circumstances. However, if you ignore this warning and happen...
Brace yourselves, people! The Glassholes are coming…
So there is a new Hangover movie coming May 27th. I don’t know if I’m ready for it. It looks pretty...
“It has been three days, and the servers to Sim City are still crashing non stop. Players cannot even play a...