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Comedy TV & Video
I bet you didn’t know dogs could have conversations with each other, did you? Sure, they bark and make random noises...
This song will resonate with girlfriends (and boyfriends) of gamers everywhere. Especially those whoa re sick of going to bed alone...
“Pat Robertson said that “awful-looking” women are to blame for a romance-deficient marriages.
This is a compilation of clips from the internet-famous rapper Riff Raff who just recently came to my attention because James...
Now that Star Wars is part of Disney, the iconic characters from the movies are present at Disneyland. But not every...
This prank is simple but insanely effective. You don a costume identical to your seat covers, sit back in the car,...
YouTube is one of the best websites in existence. So much so that it would make my Top 5 list were...
This starts out like any other skateboarding video. You have the teenagers pulling stunts, the panning camera shots, and the music...
I’m not sure if I am posting it simply because I think it’s funny or because I think it’s amusing watching...
Dodgeball is a strange sport, if indeed it can legitimately be classified as a sport. It may be fun but it’s...
Zombie love is in the air!
In case you hadn’t noticed 2012 recently morphed into 2013. I know, it happened suddenly and without warning, but hey, you...
Everybody likes seeing celebrities fall from grace, don’t they? How about seeing them pee in the middle of a crowded airport...
If you thought everything was nothing but serious talk on Star Trek: The Next Generation, then you’d be wrong. Check out...
Admit it, you thought you’d seen and heard the worst song in the world when Rebecca Black brought Friday into being....
“Memo to Anderson Cooper: Your resolution for 2013 may want to be to stop inviting Kathy Griffin back for CNN’s New...
“Some of the best showcases of creativity on YouTube isn’t in the videos. It’s in the comments.” – YT
If you’ve only ever seen one Christmas film it’s likely to have been It’s A Wonderful Life. But I bet you...
Now I have to go find all the videos that I haven’t seen yet.
It’s a sad fact of life that not all videos uploaded to YouTube are destined for greatness. For every one that...
And you just thought it was a bit crap.
Look At This Instagram! You probably should do while you still have the chance, as the photo-filter, photo-sharing service faces a...
It’s Christmas! And to celebrate we have what could be the best Christmas song of all time. And if not the...
“End of the world? I don’t think so. (I put this one together pretty quickly so some of the animation may...
Some cats are nice, some are nasty, and some are downright assholes. Teddy belongs to the latter group of felines.
Christmas carols are boring, especially when you’ve been earing them for at least one month out of every year for several...
Kissing under the mistletoe is a Christmas tradition dating back centuries, but is it something that the younger generation know about?...
It’s not easy to have a private wedding when you are a celebrity – and even worse when you think you’re...
You may remember this time last year when a video clip of a dog chasing deer through a park became a...
This video shows the prank phonecall made to Kate Middleton while she was in hospital suffering from severe morning sickness. The...