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Comedy TV & Video
The new trailer for the 2009 version of Sherlock Holmes is finally out. Depending on whether or not you’re a fan...
Are you still under the misguided impression that religious people are sane? Then this video clip may set you right. It...
Slumdog Millionaire was absolutely huge when it was released last year, and rightly so. The part-British, part-Bollywood movie was well-received and...
Regular park cyclists are minding their own business when all of a sudden 30 or so other racing cyclists pull up...
Keyboard Cat is a decades-old video clip which surfaced on YouTube a couple of years ago. It was a mildly successful...
Guys, I think we’ve finally found a game where everyone’s a winner. I’d even go as far as to call it...
I wonder how long it takes the CEO of GE (General Electric) to call the CEO of NBC to let him...
The Zero Punctuation reviews are still must-sees for me despite there being so many. Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw never seems to lose...
Oh lord. Grandma’s going to hell for singing devils music in a church and she doesn’t even know it. Well, at...
“Lots of Ying. Lots of Yang. And plenty of action.” I definitely wasn’t expecting what happens at 1.18. Eeww.
You really couldn’t make this video clip up – it has everything: Sexy Japanese women in spandex, a Japanese actress with...
Just when you though Patrick Stewart talking about having mind control powers and making women’s clothes fall off all the time...
You probably well remember the Saturday Night Live short, Dick In A Box. If not, then where have you been? It...
Happy Mother’s day! Hopefully, if you’re a worker of “the second shift” (as moms call it these days) you’ve gotten some...
I don’t begrudge anyone any belief in any religion and/or god, but I do find it funny that people believe in...
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day in the United States and most of you reading this will probably be planning to spend some...
I’m not going to go as far as to call this girl a dumb blonde or a “bitch” like the creators...
By now, the Free Hugs campaign is almost 3 years old. So to spice things up a bit, one man decides...
The Hasbro toy series that once out-sold Barbie is back this summer to kick Transformers 2 and GI Joe in the...
If we had videos like this in my science classes, maybe it would have been easier to get my head around...
This sounds like the start of a joke, but I assure you it isn’t. What do you get when you cross...
“In a way Swine Flu is like the Susan Boyle of the disease world. It hasn’t done very much at this...
Dom Deluise, an American actor, comedian, director, producer, chef, and author, amongst other things, died on Monday (May 4) after a...
We may now live in a fully-integrated, multi-cultural society but things weren’t quite so free and easy in the 1970s. In...
The BBC’s new show “All The Small Things” is usually a serious drama that follows the lives of church choir members....
May 5th, Cinco de Mayo, is a regional holiday celebrated in Mexico, but that doesn’t mean other nationalities haven’t caught on...
Today is Star Wars Day. Why? Purely because the date (May 4) gives Star Wars fans the perfect excuse to utter...
For better or worse, McDonald’s is now an institution. Wherever you go in the world, you are likely to see a...
Lilly Tomlin is certainly a versatile actress. I’ve seen her on ‘Saturday Night Live’ as well ‘The West Wing,’ but never...
Who can forget the Saturday Night Live classic Jizz In My Pants, the tale of what happens when men get excited...