TV Clips, videos and television stations featuring computer games
Computer Gaming
The Wii U from Nintendo was launched today (Nov. 18) in North America. The new console is the successor to the...
Grand Theft Auto 5 is set to be released in Spring 2013, and about time too. This is one game that...
The new Call Of Duty game is out today, and that means businesses around the world are going to experience an...
I must admit the appeal of Minecraft is beyond me. What am I missing? However, I can appreciate Gangnam Style by...
Halloween may be over for another year (thankfully for those of us who hate this stupid tradition) but that doesn’t mean...
Wreck-It Ralph is the new animated movie from Disney, starring John C. Reilly as the voice of the titular Ralph, a...
Who hasn’t played Street Fighter (in one of its many iterations) and thought that it would be cool if real fights...
Are you sick of Angry Birds yet? Rovio suspects you may be, or at least that it’s taken the little critters...
It’s very easy to get dragged into a video game by the story, action, and visuals these days. Especially when you...
“Today the gaming world was reintroduced to one of their most beloved places to do battle with a total conversion remaking...
The new Wii U is on its way, with Nintendo finally revealing its plans to launch the successor to the original...
As I can’t and don’t drive a car, I spend part of my life walking to and from places. Which is...
An awesome zombie-bashing animated video. Poor zombies.
Guild Wars 2 is just days away from release, and what better way to celebrate its imminent availability than a dance-off...
I love video games, so anyone who thinks they’re evil and bad for society can get knotted, quite frankly. However, obsession...
You know you have a problem when you sit at home playing Bingo… Alone…
The game is to watch this while trying to spot all the games you recognize and have played yourself. I lost...
Steam, the PC game download service, is having the biggest summer sale from now until July 22nd. Some games are discounted...
E3 2012 recently came to an end, and to celebrate some far more creative people than myself decided to re-imagine Super...
The Last Of Us looks set to be the most-hyped titles revealed at E3. This is the gameplay trailer so that...
You know you are a hardcore gamer if you can name all the games featured in this video.
Imagine if World Of Warcraft was more like real life, and instead of raiding a cavern full of beasts and strange...
Have you wondered who this Leeroy Jenkins fella everybody keeps talking about is? Then watch this World of Warcraft video and...
E3 2012 kicks off tomorrow, with Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, as well as a host of games publishers, due to show...
This is a genius overdub of one scene in Final Fantasy XIII. Suffice to say this isn’t the real dialog and...
This video is a mash-up of ‘Angry German Kid’ and gameplay footage of Wolfenstein 3D. The kid doing all the ranting...
This video highlights 10 of the best video game dick punches ever seen. As a man I wince every time a...
The Elder Scrolls series is becoming an MMORPG, ditching its roots of standalone games with strong single-player portions. The Elder Scrolls...
This is a teaser trailer for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, a new game which sees the stars of old and new...
Who could ever have thought video footage of video game characters running would be so inspirational. Especially when set to stirring...