TV Clips, videos and television stations featuring computer games
Computer Gaming
The Wii has been an absolute phenomenon in the games industry, beating both the PS3 and Xbox 360 in terms of...
Just when you thought killing zombies and surviving in a post-apocalyptic world couldn’t get any more awesome.
The Call Of Duty games have always been popular and always been pretty damn good. However, the series really came into...
The Zero Punctuation reviews are still must-sees for me despite there being so many. Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw never seems to lose...
Lemmings: Encouraging the Critical Thinker and the Destructive Sadist – All at the Same Time
This is a (long – ten minutes) video introducing the various features and things available in Sony Online Entertainment’s new family-friendly...
Lilly Tomlin is certainly a versatile actress. I’ve seen her on ‘Saturday Night Live’ as well ‘The West Wing,’ but never...
France’s funniest prankster has done it again! This time he and his crew dress up in Pac Man attire and invade...
A video game called Mirror’s Edge was released last year on the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. I’ve played it, and...
World Of Warcraft currently has 9 million players worldwide. The new sequel titled World Of World Of Warcraft finally allows players...
Sure, this skit from a Dutch comedy show is a bit sexist, but don’t let that stop you from laughing. Guys,...
This video will show you, step by step, how to input 8 different cheats for the new Guitar Hero: Metallica. As...
It’s that time again, when Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw reviews a video game in his unique style of ripping it to shreds...
Wanted was a 2008 movie starring Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman, and James McAvoy. It told the story of Wesley Gibson, an...
Fans of the Watchmen are in for a real treat! Here’s the new leaked footage from upcoming Watchmen video game. The...
I watch the Zero Punctuation video reviews by Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw every week, and every single time, I end up experiencing...
Cyber sex is the act of having a sexual encounter over the Internet, and is a step up from phone sex....
Because knowing what to do in the event of a zombie attack is the best preparation possible.
The Playstation 3 has been struggling against the dual competition of the Nintendo Wii, which continues to outshine everything, and the...
The Nintendo DS has been an absolutely phenomenal success over the last few years. It has sold 100 million units, making...
Gears of War 2 is one of the big exclusive Xbox 360 games that Microsoft is using to pound the PS3...
Like I do when I see demos of a lot of NES games, I am thinking this is an incredibly awesome...
Killzone 2 is being billed as the best Playstation 3 game to date. While Metal Gear Solid 4 undoubtedly holds that...
The Resistance series of video games from Sony have so far appeared on the PS3, but a new one is soon...
In case you hadn’t noticed, the Nintendo Wii is making an absolute killing in this generation home video game consoles. It’s...
The sport of free running (or la parkour) has always amazed me. Scaling buildings and flipping onto rooftops is always entertaining....
According to Nintendo, Wii Sports has knocked off Super Mario Bros as the highest selling game in the world. And for...
We’re big fans of the Zero Punctuation video game video reviews here on WebTVHub, and with good reason, as they are...
The Nintendo Wii was one of the most popular gifts this Christmas. But most of its recipients probably weren’t as happy...
I know who I want to be hanging out with if the world goes through an apocalypse. Hey, you! With the...