TV Clips, videos and television stations featuring computer games
Computer Gaming
This is the opening movie to a new game for the Wii called Super Smash Bros. Brawl published by Nintendo. The...
When I first read the title of this video, I thought someone was making a joke. PC gamers rejoice, this isn’t...
The next generation console war continues apace, with a three way battle between the Nintendo Wii, the Sony PS3 and the...
It’s Boxing day, and many of you will have woken up this morning eager to try out the things you received...
The Nintendo Wii is the most sought after present this Christmas, and there will be a lot of disappointed children this...
The last time we saw Japanese comedian Jinnai Tomonori, he was fighting some very polite computer zombies. This time around, he’s...
You may be wondering why I’ve posted a video games review on Web TV Hub, as we are not a games...
I was so intrigued by this happy, dancing green-headed guy that I had to check out the Free Your Buddy website...
This is one of the latest in a line of World of Warcraft adverts, and this time they’ve outdone themselves. Mr....
I’ve never understood the appeal of those zombie shooter computer games. The bad guys just keep coming at you, and they’re...
Let’s face it. People in general spent a lot of time on the internet. The internet is a great place to...
I grew up in the age of video game consoles, and one of the first video games I ever played on...
Tomb Raider and Prince Of Persia are both great game series, but even the game makers would have to admit there...
We all have awkward memories of sex education. I remember sitting in the school library with other students and parents, looking...
I play lots of video games, there, I’ve outed myself. And there’s nothing better while playing games than to have a...
World Of Warcraft continues to provide us with a wealth of funny kick ass videos. This latest one shows a team...
Bjork is a great singer, and by the looks of this video also a great fighter. This incident happened in 1996...
This video is a dream for both computer game players and technology geeks. It’s a video clip from a game called...
Back in the 80s I was addicted to Tetris. I spent all my spare time playing this game, and when I...
World Of Warcraft continues to provide video makers with a seemingly unlimited supply of inspiration and in game footage for countless...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the protagonists of your PC games decided to call it quits...
This is the latest episode of animated series Clock Suckers! In this episode entitled ‘Game Over’, the guys hook up an...
World of Warcraft has tons of videos dedicated to it. From musical spoofs, to in game hacks and action, YouTube is...
I have to admit that I don’t like the abbreviations that seem to litter the internet. I’m not a complete stick...
World of Warcraft is the biggest online game in the world. This worldwide role-playing phenomenon has been blamed for the failed...
I love this video game megamix video. It shows footage from a mixture of old retro computer games all mashed in...
I must admit that my infatuation with games consoles doesn’t extend much beyond my love of Singstar. And so, when I...
For those who remember the smash hit and 1997 game of the year Fallout, news of the resurrection of the Fallout...
It has been a few years since the last time anyone did anything truly fantastic with soundboards, but if there was...