Educational internet TV channels and videos
“Listen closely, as this may be your best chance to survive a kidnapping/abduction.” – YT And learn stuff about Rob Dyke.
“Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is an unusual condition of the nervous system characterised by the compelling need to move the legs.
If I was to tell you that all alcoholic drinks made in the United States is radioactive you’d probably call me...
Sleep boozing? I know that’s not the answer, but is that a thing? An actual thing?
“Matt Groening’s attention to detail is awesomely insane.” – YT
“There have only been six double dissolution elections in Australia’s history, so what are they, why would Malcolm Turnbull consider calling...
“You have your mom’s smile, your dad’s eyes, and the ear muscles of a Triassic mammal.
“Did you know that St. Patrick wasn’t Irish? Or that green wasn’t even his color? These are 25 little known facts...
“Can dogs really sense a thunderstorm before it arrives? How do they know when a patient’s about to have a seizure?...
“If shifting the clocks forward for daylight saving time makes you uneasy, there’s a good reason: it will disrupt your sleep.
“Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a particular condition that affects a young child’s behaviour or development (learning). Many children with...
If he was still alive, Dr. Seuss would have been celebrating his 112th birthday today, March 2nd, 2016. The children’s author...
“A leap year, where an extra day is added to the end of February every four years, is down to the...
Screw it. Just eat pizza. All the pizza.
“After the first and second world wars, PTSD had a negative connotation. But not only is it a real mental illness,...
“With the Zika virus in the news, some people have wondered why we don’t just kill them ALL.” -YT
I’ll have another, please. Actually, let’s both save time and just give me the bottle.
Yay! More things to be paranoid about. Hermit life for the win.
Today (February 9th) is Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Day, as it is now more commonly known. But what exactly is Shrove...
“You don’t want to spend long hours at the gym, but you want to get stronger, fitter, leaner, and just plain...
“Why would the Chinese name years after animals? How many ways to say monkey? What’s special about the Monkey King that...
“The NSW Health department has confirmed two cases of Zika virus in Australia from passengers travelling from the Caribbean back to...
“Could you survive a brain transplant? And if so, would you really want to survive it?” -YT
“A weekly show where we debunk common misconceptions. This week, Elliott discusses some misconceptions about memory!” – YT
“There is much evidence that some pathogens manipulate the behaviour of their mosquito hosts to enhance pathogen transmission.
“Cancer cases are expected to surge 57% worldwide in the next 20 years, an imminent “human disaster” that will require a...
If you ever go to Indonesia, be sure to pack all of your possessions away in a bag. Because if you...
Cuuuuuube sheeeeeelf. That is all.
Is there any circumstances under which a feather could kill you? Apparently so, at least according to this video.