Educational internet TV channels and videos
“The weekend that ends Christians’ Holy Week is upon us, and it starts with Good Friday.
“Aphasia is a condition that robs you of the ability to communicate. It can affect your ability to speak, write and...
“Just two bakeries swept all five categories in the 8th annual King Cake Snob contest, organizers announced Wednesday.
“The U.S. Centers for Disease Control have issued a recommendation to parents about what not to do before taking their little...
Say what you like about the internet, but it can answer things that you may have been too embarrassed to ask...
“In what has become a growing battle between big tech companies and the people who use their products, iconic Apple co-founder...
“Before Covid-19 forced its students into online classes, Loudoun County’s bimonthly school board meetings were often dry exercises in bureaucratic wrangling:...
There’s no wrong time to start learning about breasts and making sure you’re healthy and happy.
“Poison hemlock, a dangerous weed that has only been in the Buckeye State for a few years, is in full bloom...
Butter, butter, sugar, butter, and sugar. For breakfast.
“For millions of people across the globe, Nowruz is no small celebration. Think Christmas, New Year’s and Fourth of July combined...
While mental health and mental illness has been discussed more and more as time goes on, I feel like 2020 gave...
Attack on Titan is one of the most emotionally traumatic animes I have ever watched. And it is incredible. Of course,...
We’re already into the second month of the year, which means a lot of the people who made resolutions to get...
All this stuff is blowing up in the news. If you don’t understand what’s happening, start here.
Okay, so this is technically from 2019, but we get another December Cold Moon this year too!
“Imagine a 200-pound man being crushed by the weight of nearly two space shuttles and coming out unscathed. That’s about how...
“Rapid advances in gene-editing technology have a transformative potential to help cure disease and feed the world, but scientists must assure...
“Virus-infected President Donald Trump on Tuesday called for the repeal of a decades-old Internet freedom rule after Facebook deleted a post...
As per usual, things effect different people in different ways. But it’s still interesting to take a look at potential outcomes.
If you have ever wondered what the oldest roller coaster in the world is, and what it’s like to ride, you...
President Donald Trump has pardoned Susan B. Anthony, an advocate for women’s rights who was arrested and convicted of voting in...
There is overwhelming evidence that wearing a face mask helps prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, a new study suggests that...
Have you ever wanted to hear what Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit would sound like if it had been written 2,000...
While this is a video about ADHD management, I feel like some of the points made about clutter are interesting and...
Never ask me what I want for lunch. Just… don’t. We’ll be here all day.
We all know cats do some weird stuff. One look at YouTube reveals videos of cats doing all manner of strange...
Protestors have pulled Baltimore’s Christopher Columbus statue down and thrown it into the harbor. This has pleased some people, while angering...
If someone knocks on your door they may use the rat-tat-ta-tat-tat… tat-tat knock. But why? Where does this infamous knock that...
While everyone knows about American Independence Day on July 4th (because Americans won’t stop banging on about it), fewer people know...