Educational internet TV channels and videos
It’s a nutty, nutty world out there. Always use protection.
From TED: “We believe that we should work to be happy, but could that be backwards? In this fast-moving and entertaining...
Wow. If you think your general knowledge is bad then take a look at this video. It shows American teenagers being...
Yeah… Even knowing how the ‘horse heart’ is made doesn’t lessen the urge to chuck.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s that time of year again. You aren’t even out of Christmas credit card debt and you’re...
Given this day and age of the internet, you’re probably familiar with what Groundhog Day is even if you’re not a...
As adults we’re all used to seeing company logos and instantly attaching them to the brand we probably know and possibly...
Not sure what all this ‘blackout’ SOPA/PIPA stuff is all about? This video helps explain.
SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) are still working their way through Congress and the Internet needs...
Don’t be a fashion victim this winter. Wendy Nguyen offers 25 different ways to wear a scarf in this informative style...
In this installment of The Chinese are Coming, Justin Rowlatt travels into Brazil and the United States on his journey to...
For some of the people in the northern hemisphere, the time is right for a hot bowl of soup to warm...
Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, with the least hours of sunlight within the 24 hour period. Which...
In Australia, we call that a mint slice.
Easy math for an easy – but perfect – prime rib feast. Who wants ham when you can have riiiiiiibs.
It is easy to get depressed about the world when you see the news each night with so many bad things...
It’s often too easy to forget how fortunate we are to live on this planet. This video should act as a...
“Did you know you have functioning neurons in your intestines — about a hundred millions of them? Food scientist Heribert Watzke...
Protect our kids: Sign the petition
I loved episode one of Ask a Mortician, so how could I not put up episode two?
It’s not exactly Betty’s Turkey Pot Pie, but it’s a much shorter video for when you want a quick, easy to...
Spice up your Thanksgiving pumpkin pie desert by making it a pumpkin cheesecake instead!
Bringing death back into our culture! A woman who is not only a mortician but has worked in a crematorium as...
Have you ever wondered what the Coriolis effect is? Let’s be honest, you probably haven’t. And neither had I before today....
Experts fill us in and answer questions about the aircraft carrier sized asteroid approaching the earth and passing by it this...
Remember, remember the fifth of November. Gunpowder, treason and plot. In other words it’s Guy Fawkes Day today. Are you celebrating?
Can you really download audio tracks that replicate the effects of drugs? Or are people’s reactions just placebo effects?
Can’t make it to the street to protest? Why not try a postage paid protest?
Rather than thinking in terms of black and white, boy and girl, there is much more of a ‘grey area’ in...
“On any given day we’re lied to from 10 to 200 times, and the clues to detect those lie can be...