Educational internet TV channels and videos
Watch this video and learn how to give the ultimate relaxing massage by using the same acupressure points used by the...
Who needs seven dirty words you can’t say on television when there are 227 strange and interesting curse words you can’t...
Hurricane Ida is gearing up to be yet another devastating hurricane to make its way through Gulf areas.
There’s a certain point when you’re on a night out of heavy drinking which is crucial to how the session turns...
Tis the season to shop and thus is the time for a reminder of the disgusting place all the rampant consumerism...
Feeling a bit lost playing the online flash game Escape the Coffee House? Then this video can help.
I’m afraid I was one of those kids that found school very boring. I was well-behaved, polite, and had a good...
While many people in the United States may not think it is a strange custom, embalming the dead sets the US...
Drug dealers with degrees setting up ‘pain clinics’ around the United States are the new scoundrels behind the drug-addicted country. After...
Humans have a habit of thinking they are control of nature, when the reality is that even the common potato is...
Don’t wash them! Apparently the flavor of the pumpkin seeds is found in the juice. If only I knew that before...
The swine flu, or H1N1 to give it its official title, has been causing panic and anguish around the world since...
I’m not too sure what’s going here if I’m honest. This video shows you how to shoot an anvil 200 feet...
You could spend hours learning first aid in a stuffy lecture, or you could watch the weird and wonderful videos of...
Here’s a strange but interesting video that presents interesting facts about your urine, or wee as the Brits like to call...
Learn how to put a photograph into Adobe Illustrator and convert it into the strong black lines needed for a pumpkin...
Dyson announced the launch of its new product range earlier this week. Called the Air Multiplier Fan, it’s a new design...
It’s very important to exercise, particularly as you get older. Early morning stretching is one of those key tenets of an...
“More people can say more things to more people than ever in history.” The interconnectedness of the web has been, no...
“Is the belief in (or fear of, depending on your point of view) God necessary to have a “good” society? What...
Another brief animated history of weed from the producers of Showtime’s television show ‘Weeds’.
One healthy guy living the raw food life shows you how to make a very quick and easy spicy pumpkin seed...
When you are feeling a bit shafted by ‘The Man’ and want to get a little harmless revenge, why not try...
Last year’s ‘Did You Know’ viral sensation got millions of views and introduced new facts about social-networking and technology. This year’s...
If you’ve visited Google in the past few hours you may be wondering why the homepage has a barcode as its...
How would you react if you saw a Muslim woman being mistreated in a store, not being served purely for the...
“Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t:...
I suspect everyone in the world is the same when it comes to getting up in the morning. Oh, some people...
We see it all to often on bumper stickers these days but what does the slogan “Support our Troops” really stand...
In another shining example of people not paying attention to things right in front of them, this news report focuses on...