Educational internet TV channels and videos


How (Not) To Wash Your Car Video | A Huge Digger & A Ton Of Water = Epic Fail

How do you wash your car? Do you take it through the local automated car wash? Do you take it to...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

National Underwear Day 2009 Video | The Today Show Explores Styles and Fashions

Today (Aug. 5) is apparently National Underwear Day 2009. No, I didn’t know either. But I obviously do now thanks to...
Dave Parrack
38 sec read

Watch Awesome Tower Defense Player ‘Lucky’ Almost Beat Hard Mode Video

That, my friends, is how you ‘juggle’ enemies and totally kick ass playing Tower Defense.
22 sec read

Watch Shark Week 2009 Discovery Channel Public Service Announcment Video

We have been brought up to think that sharks are these incredibly dangerous and hostile species, but when it comes to...
22 sec read

How To Never Get Sick Video | Vitamin D – The Cure For The Common Cold?

“If you ask anybody who takes 5000 units of vitamin D, they’ll tell ya, they just don’t get sick anymore.”
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Weird Parasite ‘Candiru’ Attacks Man Through Penis (Vid) | Don’t Pee in the Water

This nasty little parasite that usually preys on Amazonian catfish has been known to be attracted to the men who don’t...
22 sec read

Coke vs. Cash Honesty Experiment Video | Why it’s Easier to be Dishonest in Today’s World

An experiment revealing what a world of increasing symbolic wealth means to the world and our sense of honesty.
22 sec read

Should We Ban Photoshop? Video | Putting Warning Labels On Retouched Images

While the idea of banning Photoshopped images is just ludicrous, the principle behind it is respectable. Young girls that idolize celebrities...
Iman Peera
31 sec read

Princeton Review Top Party Schools 2010 News Vid | Penn State University in First Place

The Princeton Review’s poll results for the top party schools of the United States has been released, revealing that there are...
23 sec read

Cash For Clunkers Program Video | Car Allowance Rebate System Comes Into Effect

One of Barack Obama’s early promises when he became President of the U.S.A. was a ‘Cash For Clunkers’ program that would...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

Debunking The Bible Video | Asking A Priest How Adam and Eve’s Kids Had Kids

This video is for all those people (and there are, unfortunately, millions of them) who believe that what’s written in the...
Dave Parrack
43 sec read

How To Back Flip Instructional Video | At Least That Was The Original Idea

It seem this guy decided to make a video one day of him doing some back flips. It was probably either...
Dave Parrack
38 sec read

How Catnip Gets Cats High Video | Pussies Strung Out On Drugs, Chasing Imaginary Mice

Anyone who owns a cat has probably given it a catnip treat or let it play with a toy containing traces...
Dave Parrack
39 sec read

Moon Landing Conspiracy Theory Video | MSNBC Host Moon Landing Hoax Debate

Yesterday (July 20) was the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. It was a day to celebrate the achievement...
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

Watch Money Expert Suze Orman Video | Financial Advice for Young Fabulous & Broke Generation

This is a great clip from financial expert Suze Orman’s chat to ‘Generation Broke’ and their parents. This video focuses on...
22 sec read

Erin Andrews Peephole Video Leaked | Be Careful For Fake Links With Viruses

Erin Andrews, for those of you that don’t know, is possibly the hottest female sports reporter ever. Today a video of...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

Chiari Malformation Keeps Toddler Awake (News Video) | The Boy Who Couldn’t Sleep

Three-year-old Rhett Lamb’s short life was filled with sleeplessness and frustration until doctors identified the cause of his insomnia and performed...
23 sec read

Watch India Sun Temple Documentary Video | Beautiful and Erotic Mysterious Ancient Carvings

A beautiful sun temple in Konark – eastern India – is an ancient masterpiece featuring beautiful, intricate and sometimes erotic carvings.
23 sec read

Green Smoothie Recipe Video | An Easy, Tasty, and Nutritious Way To Five A Day

The consumption of fruit and vegetables is considered the key to a healthy body. But if you’re like me and struggle...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Shocking Teen Life News Video | Documentary Film – Oral Sex the New Goodnight Kiss

Today’s parents have a whole new world of a job ahead of them with raising teenagers. With teens disregarding oral sex,...
24 sec read

The 4th Of July – Independence Day 2009 Video | But Is America Truly Free?

It’s the 4th of July, Independence Day for all those people in the United States. It’s a time to commemorate breaking...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Stephen Fry Visits Nevada Brothel Video | State Legal Prostitution in U.S.

Stephen Fry truly loves his job in this educational film or sorts where he visits a legal brothel in Nevada.
24 sec read

Mexican Jumping Beans Video | Caterpillars Inside Explain Seeds Which Appear Alive

Mexican Jumping Beans are small, brown beans which appear to jump, hop, and move about when stimulated by heat or light....
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Profiles in Marijuana Reform: Rick Steves Video | Interview and Facts About Dope Laws that Need Changing

Rick Steves, co-author of over twenty books and advocate for marijuana law reform in the United States, sits down for a...
25 sec read

What Is A Web Browser? (Video) | Most People Don’t Know Difference From Search Engine

There I was thinking most people were intelligent, knowledgeable, and tech-minded these days. I was clearly wrong, as this random selection...
Dave Parrack
40 sec read

New Health Book MSNBC News Video | Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat

With a diet that is rich with carefully prepared food, a lot of seafood and fresh vegetables, women in Japan enjoy...
23 sec read

Playing Favorites With Children Video | What If… Second Man Rather Than Second Child

Being the youngest child in my family meant I never had to deal with the tricky phase of being replaced by...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

What Is Juneteenth? (Video) | This PSA Explains… By Making Black People Look Stupid

I’ll be honest, I’d never heard of Juneteenth until today. Maybe I’m ignorant but you can put it down to the...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

British Quiz Show QI Pilot Video | Education and Comedy Featuring Eddie Izzard

Wow. This is the first time I have seen Eddie Izzard dressed… well… like a man. He looks pretty hot when...
22 sec read

Government Debt by Glenn Beck Video | President Obama Spending Devalues US Dollar

You know that the economy has truly hit hard times when Glenn Beck has to leave his usual set and ‘borrow’...
25 sec read