Educational internet TV channels and videos
The recent earthquake which hit the Sichuan province of China on the 12th May is thought to have killed at least...
I’ve already spelt out my wish by the use of videos for Barack Obama to become the nest President of the...
At last year’s 911 Accountability Strategies and Solutions Conference Ex-Private Anderson had some things to say about the war in Iraq....
The experiment in this video was done before by psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark over 50 years ago. A group of...
Another great episode of Bullshit from Penn and Teller. (I love this show, don’t you?)
Yum. Quantum physics makes me feel so hot.
This is a pretty clever video, or should I say, scale. Each time you play this, the recorded audio seems different...
< Why is it that after you get into college, it turns out to be less that what you expected? Here’s...
F*ck Earth Day on Yesterday was Earth Day, apparently. It’s not something I ever bother with, because quite frankly, one...
Oscar the featherless bird may well be the ugliest bird in the world, but it’s not the poor thing’s thought, as...
After recently reading about how evolution cannot be legally taught in classrooms, it comes as not a total shock that a...
My girlfriend has been on at me about getting a cat for the last year or so, but I keep saying...
I hate religious brainwashing in all its forms. That goes for Christians bringing their children up with no knowledge of the...
This video is one of the most shocking I’ve ever seen on YouTube, purely because I didn’t know there were men...
YouTube has millions of viewers daily. People like you and me who browse looking for the next funny clip that’s about...
You’ve seen magicians like David Blaine perform some incredible tricks. In this video, a sword is thrust through a man’s body...
Well now I have to put up a YouTube video because everyone really is doing it. Even royalty.
If only we lived life like we played music…
Ugh, this video is horrible and virtually unwatchable, but amazing at the same time. Beat the fear, and watch 40,000 bugs...
It’s been six years since the start of the Bush Administration’s occupation of Iraq, and there’s no telling how much longer...
A concerned web developer has found out a way to change anyone’s Mood status on Facebook. So what does he do...
This video is compulsory viewing for all those trivia addicts out there. It features 20 amazing facts about nature, celebrities, science,...
It’s not easy being a father, or at least a good one, especially in this age of equality, where a man’s...
After it’s relative success last year in Sydney, Australia, it appears that Earth Hour is on (or perhaps “off”) this year...
In the past, we at WebTvHub have shared numerous how-to videos that help demystify relationship issues. This particular video addresses the...
The YouTube video showing US Senator and Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s speech on racism may not have quite gone viral, but...
Mindbites, a new instructional video marketplace, officially launched at the end of last week, after securing about $1 million in investment...
When I saw the film Minority Report, I was most impressed. Not with the plot necessarily, and certainly not Tom Cruise’s...
If you love Michael Moore documentaries like Sicko, then you’ll love Zeitgeist. It’s a ‘Documentary’ about conspiracy theories that just might...
If you thought or still think your high school pincipal is a jerk, then you should check out this insane video...