Videos and internet TV channels that offer information and advice on health issues.
Health Videos & TV
Walmart’s Great Value ice cream sandwiches appear to be impenetrable to the sun. It turns out you can leave them outside...
If you think this doesn’t have anything to do with you, then think about all the plague movies you’ve ever watched…
“The worst Ebola outbreak in history has put a number of countries in West Africa in lockdown, led to the deaths...
“Fasting is extremely common in many religious groups, and some people even do it as a part of their diet. What...
There is a shocking amount of food waster happening in every country around the world. We know longer eat stuff beyond...
At what point are people going to get upset enough to make the government make some changes – in order to...
“With the Supreme Court ruling hinging on the religious rights of Hobby Lobby, John Oliver takes a look at other ways...
Are mobiles (cell phones) become the new bathroom toilet of bacteria? Ew.
Rah rah drug companies. Hrmph.
“Fracking companies won the right to keep secret the chemical cocktails they pump underground during shale gas drilling in North Carolina...
“A new World Health Organization report released on Monday finds the dangerous consumption of alcohol led to 3.3 million deaths around...
An apple a day in America could have you running to the doctor with the EPA taking a ‘lighter’ view of...
If you’ve seen the news about Palcohol and started to get excited over the prospect of powdered alcohol over the last...
Lay up on the scientists. They’ll eventually find a cure for cancer…
You had me until you set that a man rubs the woman’s clitoris in a ‘non-sexual’ way. Right.
“The prevalence of obesity in Australia has more than doubled in the last 20 year But as anyone who’s ever tried...
To push or slice and dice? This is the question that to-be moms face these days…
Nestle has recalled two varieties of its popular Hot Pockets snacks over fears the meat contained within them isn’t fit for...
The 2014 Winter Olympics is currently underway in Sochi, Russia. And despite some concerns over security and human rights, it seems...
“How often do you shower or wash your body? Chances are, you probably bathe too much!
The DASH Diet has been named the best diet for people to follow this year, winning the accolade from U.S. News...
“Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s there are so many opportunities to overeat. A little weight gain may be inevitable – even...
“The holidays are a stressful time. But for people who are already prone to anxiety, they can be extra tough. Trace...
Matthew Perry and Peter Hitchens recently went head-to-head on Newsnight. The subject matter was addiction, and their viewpoints were at odds...
Could you be increasing your cancer risk by taking vitamin supplements? There appears to be a lot of science to back...
“Don’t lie– Do you like big butts? Well that’s ok, because new research shows that for women, a big behind can...
“You know what starvation is, but do you know what it does to you? Hank walks you through the three major...
I have heard that exercise can be of great benefit to those suffering from depression… but could it be the answer...
Former porn stars Cameron Bay and Rod Daily have spoken out about the porn industry after openly admitting they are HIV...
“Every year we spend £300 million on vitamin supplements, but do they actually do us any good?