Videos and internet TV channels that offer information and advice on health issues.
Health Videos & TV
Hostess Brands has gone out of business, with most of its 18,500 employees having been immediately dismissed. This classic TV ad...
Green coffee bean extract is gaining a lot of media attention and being lauded as some kind of miracle weight loss...
Rather than just outlawing American fast-food, the Japanese government has implemented a very clever workforce policy. If employees’ waistlines are over...
“”Contagion,” the new film from Warner Bros. and Participant Media, explores the consequences of an infectious virus creating havoc in the...
“Hank tells us about all of the things that live on us or in us – the good, the bad, and...
DO NOT eat while watching this. Just… just don’t. Bleugh.
Kombucha tea is a drink brewed from a bacteria. It sounds disgusting but isn’t meant to taste too bad. And it...
We’ve all seen those ads extolling the virtues of various bodybuilding programs or health supplements. I used to look like this,...
In a recent announcement, McDonald’s revealed that they would remove their “pink slime” ingredient from their food manufacturing process. Many suspect...
A few days ago, the Susan G. Komen Foundation, who is the largest breast cancer organization in the United States, announced...
Paula Deen, the celebrity chef queen of butter, sugar and all things deep fried, has taken a lot of criticism on...
Use these quick and easy tips to both avoid and cure that nasty hangover.
So go to and support your favourite MoBro – for the awesome face fuzz and for men’s health.
The Heart Attack Grill has been around for a while now, offering fast food packed full of fat and calories to...
Rather than thinking in terms of black and white, boy and girl, there is much more of a ‘grey area’ in...
Jenny McCarthy talks about how she cured her son from Autism created by unsafe vaccinations.
There are so many things that we take for granted. Like all the senses. It’s probably impossible to truly imagine what...
There are plenty of places to practice yoga. You might do it inside a community hall with a few geriatrics and...
On David Letterman, Colin Farrell opened up about his son’s condition: Angelman’s Syndrome.
Mental illness of any sort is often hard to understand and treated with various stigmas in society. Stephen Fry takes us...
Unlike decades ago when gallbladder removal surgery left you weeks in bed and with a large scar, today’s keyhole surgery makes...
Oprah Winfrey show star now with his own show, Dr. Oz, recommends that women have more sex and don’t diet! Keeping...
Most of us have had a nasty sunburn at one time or another. We forgot our sunscreen or hat, thought we...
Lupus is a multi-faceted autoimmune disease that is potentially life threatening. Learn more about it with this video.
This video tells the story of one man given the chance to walk once again after having been confined to a...
While only people with Celiac disease need to make sure they avoid gluten in their diet, it is possible that even...
There are many health benefits associated with following a strict vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. And once you get used to looking...
Watch an introduction to congestive heart failure, the condition that eventually put the one and only Dame Elizabeth Taylor to her...
After sweeping through France, the Dukan Diet is coming to the U.S. This video outlines the basics you need to know...
This is a basic video introduction to what kinesiology is and how it works.