Interesting, remarkable and entertaining people. Videos and TV channels that feature individuals who have done something noteworthy or have developed a bit of a following.

Interesting People

Watch Secret World of US Election 2016: Julian Assange & John Pilger Full Interview Video

“Whistleblower Julian Assange has given one of his most incendiary interviews ever in a John Pilger Special, courtesy of Dartmouth Films,...
21 sec read

Will.I.Am Is The World Champion Of Bullshit Video | He Thinks He Knows Everything

Will.I.Am is a classic example of someone who has started to believe his own hype. He’s an average musician, he creates...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Watch Professor Stephen Hawking Cracks Brexit Joke to PM Theresa May Video

Who said that scientists can’t have a sense of humour?
20 sec read

Uplifting Bill Murray Reacts Video | The Cubs Win The World Series After 108 Years

This video shows Bill Murray reacting to the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series for the first time in 108 years....
Dave Parrack
21 sec read

Funny Teens React To Movember Video | No Shave November For Men’s Health

It’s November 1st! Which means it’s time for men everywhere to go and have a shave. Today, and only today though....
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Funny Halloween Pranks To Play On People Video | Scare Your Friends & Family

It’s October the 31st! Also known as Halloween. Hallowe’en, or All Hallows’ Eve. Today is the day when the dead come...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Clever Halloween Weather Forecast Video | Weather Presenter Names Horror Movies

In case you haven’t noticed, Halloween has arrived! Well, almost. All Hallow’s Eve is actually on Monday, but most people will...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Interesting Eugenia Cooney Weight Issue Video | Is It A Crime To Be Skinny?

Eugenia Cooney is a YouTuber who some people want banned from YouTube. Why? Because in their opinion she’s setting a bad...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Interesting Ken Bone Interview Video | H3H3 Productions Interviews Living Meme

Ken Bone is a classic example of someone enjoying their five minutes of fame. Unfortunately, the media built this guy up...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Bob Dylan Wins Nobel Prize For Literature Video | The Times They Are A-Changin’

Bob Dylan has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for 2016. The Swedish Academy said this was for Dylan “having...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Shocking Shepard Smith Hurricane Matthew Video | “And Your Kids Die Too”

Fox News isn’t exactly known for its subtle underplaying of world events. Instead… Everything is terrible! Everyone is doomed! However, Fox...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Watch Louis Theroux Interview on My Scientology Movie Video

“Bad news for Louis Theorux fans.
24 sec read

Watch Mother Teresa Declared a Saint in the Vatican Video

“Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun who devoted her life to helping India’s poor, has been declared a saint in a canonization...
25 sec read

New YouTube Terms Of Service Reaction Video | Only Wholesome Videos Please!

YouTube has rolled out new Terms of Service for content creators, and these new rules are causing much consternation. Why? Because...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Why Mountain Dew Rots Your Teeth Explanation Video | It Beats Coca Cola

It shouldn’t surprise you to hear that fizzy drinks such as Coca Cola and Mountain Dew rot your teeth. We all...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Hilarious Donald Trump Disappoints Ann Coulter Video | Changes Immigration Policy

Ann Coulter is a horrible woman. Not because she’s a conservative, but because she expresses some truly shameful opinions about race...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Weird Spending The Night At Ikea Video | Two Guys Decide To Stay In The Closet

I like Ikea. They sell tasty meatballs and cheap furniture, and I literally enjoy having a good walk around one of...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Amazing Rio 2016 Paralympics Trailer Video | We’re The Superhumans On Channel 4

The Rio 2016 Paralympics, the parallel Olympics for athletes with disabilities, are due to take place between September 7th and September...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Interesting Courteney Cox Talks To Bear Grylls Video | Cox Discusses Surviving Fame

Courteney Cox is the latest celebrity Bear Grylls persuaded to wade through mud, climb up mountains, and eat rotting food for...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Surprising PewDiePie Upsets His Fans Video | YouTuber Asks Fans to Leave Him Alone

PewDiePie is THE most famous YouTuber in the world. He makes multiple videos a day, has a huge audience, and makes...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Funny Conversation Starters Tested In Real Life Video | Do These Actually Work?

If you’re anything like me you struggle to start conversations with strangers. Conversations with friends comes naturally enough, but strangers are...
Dave Parrack
22 sec read

Unsettling Trump Baby Video | Presidential Hopeful Boots Baby Out Of Rally

The first question that springs to mind here is, “Why have you taken a baby to a Donald Trump rally?” The...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

How Pokemon Go Affects Blind People Video | Tommy Edison Discovers People Are Dicks

Pokemon Go is currently sweeping across the world, turning adults and children alike into zombies as they walk around everywhere, their...
Dave Parrack
22 sec read

A Day In The Life Of The Mountain Video | Game Of Thrones Actor Sells Vodka

For those who don’t watch Game of Thrones — what’s wrong with you, it’s awesome! — there’s a character in it...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Playboy Model Body Shames Woman At The Gym Video | Watch Dani Mathers Apologize

Playboy model, or Playmate as I believe they prefer to be called, Dani Mathers has been hounded off Instagram after body-shaming...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Harsh Independence Day: Resurgence Movie Review Video | ID4 Sequel Fails To Deliver

The original Independence Day movie, commonly referred to as ID4 because of the 4th of July connection, is a classic of...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

John Oliver Talks Brexit Video | Last Week Tonight Host Mocks The UK Leaving The EU

Ahead of the British referendum on continuing membership of the European Union, John Oliver gave an impassioned speech calling on Brits...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Nigel Farage Addresses European Parliament Video | UKIP Leader Embarrasses the UK

Last week the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. And that will now happen, after the two sides negotiate...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Tragic Kimbo Slice Is Dead At 42 Video | Legendary MMA Fighter Dies Of Heart Failure

The legendary MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighter Kimbo Slice has died at the tender age of just 42. He suffered heart...
Dave Parrack
22 sec read

Watch Awesome John Oliver Buys $15 Million Medical Debt & Forgives It Video | TV Show History

“Watch out, Oprah Winfrey. John Oliver, host of HBO’s Last Week Tonight, outdid TV’s biggest gift giver on Sunday when he...
26 sec read