Interesting, remarkable and entertaining people. Videos and TV channels that feature individuals who have done something noteworthy or have developed a bit of a following.

Interesting People

Keenan Cahill Lip-Syncing Video | 50 Cent Turns Up In Bedroom For Down On Me Duet

This video shows Keenan Cahill lip-syncing alongside 50 Cent, who shows up halfway through his song, Down On Me, to show...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Lady Gaga Falls Off Piano Video | The Fake Freak Takes A Tumble, But Carries On Singing

This video shows Lady Gaga falling off her piano while performing on stage in Houston, Texas, last week. unfortunately she wasn’t...
Dave Parrack
39 sec read

The Winklevoss Twins Interview Video | ConnectU Founders Lose To Zuckerberg

This video shows ConnectU founders the Winklevoss twins being interviewed about Facebook, The Social Network, Mark Zuckerberg, and the litigation surrounding...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Yuri Gagarin Documentary Video | Soviet Cosmonaut Was The First Human In Space

On April 12, 1961, man conquered space, as Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person ever to enter that realm....
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

Barack Obama 2012 Campaign Video | It Begins With Us Launches Re-Election Bid

Barack Obama may only be just over halfway through his first term as President, but the campaign to see him re-elected...
Dave Parrack
40 sec read

Classic Three Stooges Sketch Video | Slowly I Turned… Curly Get Pounding After Pounding

I’ve never been all that keen on the Three Stooges, I think you had to both be around when they were...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Watch Ashley Judd’s Past Childhood Sexual Abuse & Incest Revealed in New Memoir Video

Ashley Judd reveals the nightmare parts of her childhood, including sexual abuse and incest, in her memoir All That Is Bitter...
21 sec read

Become A Google Autocompleter Video | Are You Psychic, Good With Words, Gullible?

Have you always wanted to work at Google? Damn right you have, along with millions of other people. Unfortunately we don’t...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Judge Judy’s Best Moments Video | Judge Judy Sheindlin Survives 2011 Medical Scare

To celebrate Judge Judy being declared fit and well, this video features her best moments from the show. In essence it...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Watch What Happens at Bohemian Grove Video | Myth or Powerful Cult Playground?

Are US Presidents and other powerful men in the world stripping down at Bohemian Grove to stage mock sacrifices and plan...
25 sec read

Jenna Rose – ‘My Jeans’ Music Video | Makes Rebecca Black Look Like Whitney Houston

If you thought Friday by Rebecca Black was bad then, well, you were right, but you also haven’t seen anything yet....
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

Vegan Diet Testimonials Video | Being Vegan Or Vegetarian Doesn’t Have To Suck

There are many health benefits associated with following a strict vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. And once you get used to looking...
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

Chris Brown On Good Morning America Video | Mr. Angry Strikes Again After GMA Interview

Talk about proving your critics right. Chris Brown may not be able to sing to save his life but he sure...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

William Shatner Video | His Birthday Is Also International Talk Like William Shatner Day

Today (March 22) is William Shatner’s Birthday. He’s 80-years-old now, incredibly. But it’s also unofficial ‘International Talk Like William Shatner Day’....
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Rebecca Black Music Video | The New Justin Bieber Sings God-Awful, Auto-Tuned ‘Friday’

This is Friday by Rebecca Black, possibly the worst song ever recorded. I know she’s only 13-years-old but I’m pretty sure...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

‘Tamtampamela’ Video | Christian Thanks God for Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami

If this video doesn’t leave you either lost for words or spitting with rage then I’d be surprised. And if you...
Dave Parrack
38 sec read

St. Patrick’s Day Video | Sláinte To All

This video is a trailer of sorts for a documentary showing a trip around Ireland. But I’ve only posted it to...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Matt Baker = Political Hero Video | The One Show Host Asks Cameron Awkward Question

How to unsettle a politician in an instant: At the close of an interview on a soft-touch, teatime show, ask, “Just...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Hilarious Grandpa Dancing To Techno Video

Watching youngsters dance to techno is absolutely, mind-numbingly boring. Seriously. But add 50 years to the age of the person doing...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Watch Young Turks On Jill Filipovic Tampon Response to Proposed Miscarriage Law Video

In light of the recent proposal by Rep. Bobby Franklin in Georgia that would require women who have miscarriages to file...
23 sec read

Full Sheen’s Korner Video | Charlie Sheen Hosts Live Streaming Webcast On Ustream

Charlie Sheen has taken another step on the path towards complete annihilation. As if the TV interviews weren’t bad enough, he’s...
Dave Parrack
39 sec read

School Band Covers Rage Against The Machine (Video) | Watch The Crazy Girl In Red

This is a video of college band George Mason Green Machine rocking out Killing In The Name Of & Bulls On...
Iman Peera
20 sec read

Charlie Sheen Dubstep Interview Remix Video

The bizarre interviews Charlie Sheen has been giving lately are packed full of great quotable lines and facial expressions that will...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

Heart Attack Grill Video | Larger Than Life Restaurant Spokesman Dies At 29-Years-Old

Blair River, the man who acted as spokesman and model for the Heart Attack Grill, has died at the tender young...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Painful Face Smash Video | BMX Ramp Jump Fail As Kid Wrecks His Face For Rest Of Life

If you’re going to show off your BMX skills by jumping over a small ramp while your mate videos it, then...
Dave Parrack
34 sec read

Jacob Lusk American Idol Video | Soul/R’n’B Singer Performs ‘A House Is Not A Home’

This is Jacob Lusk performing A House Is Not A Home, a classic song recorded by both Luther Vandross and Dionne...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

Brilliant Old Men Lightsaber Duel Video | French Pensioners Turn Into Jedi Warriors

What I’ve always felt was missing from the Star Wars series was a group of French farmers having an epic lightsaber...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Watch Joan of Arc History on Biography Channel Video | France’s Virgin Warrior

As a virgin who dressed like a man and supposedly had something akin to psychic powers, Joan of Arc forever marked...
22 sec read

Justin Bieber Haircut Video | See Bieber Get His Hair Cut By Stylist – Oh The Humanity!

I really don’t know what the world has come to when the biggest news of the week, the most talked-about subject...
Dave Parrack
35 sec read

Charlie Sheen Rant Video | Two And A Half Men Star Loses It On Alex Jones Radio Show

Wow. We seem to be seeing and hearing the demise of one man’s career. That’s right folks, Charlie Sheen is doing...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read