Interesting, remarkable and entertaining people. Videos and TV channels that feature individuals who have done something noteworthy or have developed a bit of a following.
Interesting People
Lakupippu is some kind of liquorice pipe candy from Finland. This is a Finnish guy with I don’t know what wrong...
Here’s an idea. Take The Biggest Loser, an established show which pits overweight couples against each other in a race to...
OK, OK, calm down man. None of us intelligent souls like Justin Bieber, but there’s no need to have a heart...
Today (Feb. 21) is Presidents Day in the U.S. It’s the day when all American citizens are meant to honor the...
I never thought I’d live to see the day Thom Yorke danced to Beyonce. But I have, amazingly. Well, kind of.
This is the music video for Radiohead’s new single Lotus Flower, which is the first to be released from new album...
The family that plays together stays together?
Len Lesser, best known for playing Uncle Leo in Seinfeld, has passed away from cancer-related pneumonia at the age of 88....
Beatboxing is usually associated with hip-hop, so when I stumbled across this video of a guy doing some Drum N Bass,...
OJ has allegedly suffered a severe beating in prison. The injuries he sustained were said to be so bad he had...
This video shows Heather Russell singing She Needs Love, an original piece supposedly written by her. the video is spreading like...
The worst nightmare for a reporter giving a live news report has to be losing the ability to speak or get...
Elizabeth Taylor has been admitted to hospital, with increasing fears over the state of her health. But at the time of...
Justin Bieber, meet Jay Pharoah. You know that thing people keep telling you that you possess, but that really you don’t?...
Oh, isn’t Justin Bieber fantastic! Look at his hair! Look at his hoodie! Listen to his beautiful voice! See how he...
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and if you haven’t made big plans to treat your beloved then it may be time...
Michael Bublé is one good-looking man. He’s also a good-looking man who can sing extremely well. If he can cook too...
One of the most boring things to go through on airplane flights is the ‘safety speech’ that the flight attendants have...
What to buy for the man or woman of your dreams on Valentine’s Day? It’s a classic conundrum faced by millions...
Watch video of one of the uncontacted tribes living in the Amazon, an amazing glimpse of human life untouched by the...
From YT: A great English icon visited an Aussie one when Stephen Fry came to the Sydney Opera House to discuss...
Ah, The Rocky Horror Picture Show is in the news yet again with actress Susan Sarandon claiming that the Glee creators...
When Jesse Eisenberg met Mark Zuckerberg, with a little Andy Samberg on the side. It’s Saturday Night Live spoofing The Social...
Bohemian Grove is apparently the place where the rich and powerful meet in secret to conduct all manner of strange rituals,...
This is the follow-up video released showing sexism amongst the Sky Sports soccer team. This one shows Richard Keys describing all...
I know what question I would ask. What question would you ask?
Shaolin monk shows you what he thinks of your silly sewing skills by doing a Chuck Norris on your sewing needle....
The debate you thought would never go away is back with Hawaii Governor Abercrombie admitting that he is having trouble producing...
This video features the audio of Richard Keys and Andy Gray making sexist comments as they discuss the inclusion of a...
If you want to see a poor excuse for a YouTube video then watch the video above. If you want to...