Interesting, remarkable and entertaining people. Videos and TV channels that feature individuals who have done something noteworthy or have developed a bit of a following.
Interesting People
Being a one-on-one sport, tennis can produce the most intense rivalries between players, especially when there are two men at the...
Twilight fans are mad. Seriously. I’ve haven’t seen fandom like it since since the days when boybands were big, and teenage...
The top 12 American Idol contestants have been decided on, with four more singers that just weren’t good enough to stick...
In case you haven’t heard, Corey Haim has died at the tender age of just 38. Although the actor had a...
This video shows Sandra Bullock busy being interviewed on the red carpet at the 2010 Oscars about her chances of winning...
Corey Haim has died at the tender age of just 38 after suffering what is being described as an “accidental overdose.”...
There are many ways to make music with the Apple iPhone, all of which require some simple yet brilliant apps. And...
The Sugar Daddy for Me website matches up rich men with beautiful women who like to be pampered. This segment features...
I’ve said many times before here on WebTVHub that I live a relatively quiet life because I choose not to partake...
The Academy Awards are being held tonight. This annual love-in celebrates the best movies and acting performances of the previous year....
This video is a hilarious clip from a Japanese game show. Now, Japanese game shows aren’t quite like game shows we...
Nick Waters is the kind of guy other men hate, probably because he makes them look bad. While they were watching...
The Millionaire Matchmaker is a Bravo show which sees L.A. matchmaker Patti Stanger trying to find the perfect matches for millionaire...
Photographer Stanley Tunick strikes again with his stunning photos of thousands of nude people – this time in front of Sydney’s...
Chatroulette is a new video chat phenomenon which is taking the Web by storm. In essence, it allows two complete strangers...
While most of us in need of some greasy, artery-clogging fast food head for McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, or any of...
T-Bone Walker, real name Aaron Thibeaux Walker, was a Texan guitarist and singer who pioneered the electric guitar as an instrument...
Piercing your clit is so last year for ladies lady-part fashion. Sparkle your womanly areas with crystals to feel even more...
Arianna Huffington discusses the ‘move your money’ project, which is picking up steam as more and more supporters take their money...
Hazel McCallion is one amazing lady. When most 88-year-olds are quietly knitting or playing lawn bowls, she’s running Canada’s sixth largest...
This year began with an almighty mess at NBC as the U.S. network decided to backtrack on switching Jay Leno and...
Glenn Beck interviews Ben Sherman, the author of The Survivors Club – a book that teaches people how to survive by...
I’m sure we’ve all of us had at least one experience of being outside, miles away from home, and needing to...
I’m a bit of a part-time geek on the quiet. I know how to do most things on a computer and...
It’s strange how certain songs can be refreshed or thrown back into the news for an odd reason. And that’s just...
Patty Hearst first became famous at nineteen when the Hearst Publishing Company heiress was kidnapped by Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA). She...
Epic Beard Man has become something of an Internet celebrity after a couple of videos featuring this Vietnam veteran hit the...
This should have been Abby Elliott’s moment in the spotlight, and it kind of was. As she was interviewed by Dave...
If you were going to work in a job as dangerous as a security guard in a city as dangerous as...
This video shows Epic Beard Man, also known as Epic Beard Guy, Tom Slick, and Vietnam Tom, beating a black guy...