Interesting, remarkable and entertaining people. Videos and TV channels that feature individuals who have done something noteworthy or have developed a bit of a following.
Interesting People
After being inspired by the movie Ghandi, Jon Henley decided that he would try to live the rest of his life...
Wendy Williams was once the queen of take radio, and she used that position to spread salacious gossip about celebrities and...
I’ve cannot claim to be a man’s man. Maybe it’s because I was brought up in a matriarchy under Margaret Thatcher...
The Mothman is a mythical creature (although some would dispute the mythical description) which showed up in West Virginia in the...
Google’s attempts at social networking haven’t gone smoothly up to now. Orkut and Jaiku have both failed to really take off...
15 year old Louisa ball suffers from a rare disorder that takes ‘teenagers need a lot of sleep’ to the extreme....
It may sound strange, but teachers, parents and researchers alike are singing the praises of Super Brain yoga – the three...
You can trust Ricky Gervais to be honest and have absolutely no sympathy for ‘depressed millionaire celebrities’ when it comes to...
This could have been much worse for the guy than it was. As if falling through a tin roof wasn’t bad...
Every fail that took place last January is included in this clip. Grab some popcorn and get ready for some back-breaking,...
At 91 years old, introvert author JD Salinger has died from what is currently reported as natural causes.
As you’re probably aware by now Apple unveiled its new device yesterday. It’s called the iPad, and it is being pitched...
You know how each town and city has at least one strange person who everyone is aware of but no one...
Fox News Anchor ED Hill shocked viewers on The View by announcing that she was planning to have an elective double...
Billie Piper sits down with Dr. Brooke Magnanti, the real “Belle de Jour”, to talk about ‘Belle’s’ first experience with a...
I’m constantly amazed at the things people do on a day to day basis. Online video sites such as YouTube have...
Don Gorske of Wisconsin began a two-a-day Big Mac obsession in 1972 that he has kept up every day since then...
This video shows another example of an increasingly popular pastime: trying to take yourself out of the gene pool by dying...
Wow. What a truly strange set of circumstances. I’ve heard some bizarre deaths in my time, but this one truly takes...
This may not actually be an inappropriate and overblown title, as the things this man can do are many, varied, and...
Each and everyone of has unfulfilled dreams; things we wish we’d done but have never got to do. Whether it be...
Chloe Sevigny, a star on HBO’s hit series Big Love, fields questions about her ripped Valentino dress, the show and the...
I can’t work out whether this video is genuine or not. Does this guy really think he can beatbox or does...
Old people. Aren’t they lovely? With their endless remembrances of the old days and their ability to teach everyone a thing...
I firmly believe some people are born with a passion and talent already instilled in them. How else do you explain...
No seriously, he will. At least if you have a moral compass and aren’t obsessed with women, alcohol, and being a...
American Idol is very similar to all those other reality shows, particularly those in the Simon Cowell stable. They throw up...
A large swathe of the planet is currently experiencing a very cold, icy, and snowy winter. I know if you’re in...
When American television is at its best, it is truly awe-inspiring. I’m thinking 24, Lost, CSI, and all those other great...
Rogers Cadenhead, in a move known as ‘pope squatting’, bought the website He is more than willing to hand the...